Ginny-Hi!I'm Ginny and i'm the creator of Tsuki.I'm giveing everyone this message today,mainly becus I have a skit comeing out tomarrow and this doesnt require my Vampire counter part(another reson is this is sumthn thats going on in real life
blaugh ).Ok,on to the announcment!
mrgreen blaugh Ok,if my profile does'nt change for a few days(I havent changed it in the past 4 days,exept 4 2day becus of this.
sweatdrop )but if the background and or song on my pro doesnt change for a few days(at any time during this month only)it's becus im helping my aunt move so I can get a 52' screen tv!
mrgreen That and i love my aunt anyway and would help her,but the tv's a bounus.And I might not beable to change it tomarrow becus im going to be spending time with my dad.Well thats the announment!I might show up sumtimes to tell u guys about wats going on in real life but other than that i wont apear much.Ok,well c you guys l8er!^^