Its O.K
It's ok to just sit down and think...
about what has happened...
Its ok the come to me when you are sad...
I will hold you and tell you everything will be ok...
because i will make them ok...
It's ok to tell me about your sadness..
I will listen...
Its not complaining...
It's ok to look me in the eyes and say you hate me...
because i know that you really don't...
It's ok the hit me when you are mad...
because that will help you...
Its ok to run away...
because I will be there to take you with me...
It's ok to call me 4 in the morning and say you are scared...
because I will tell you a funny story and erased your fear...
It's ok...
because I will do whatever I can for you...
It's O.K
It's ok...
because you will do all that for me too...
Friends are valuable...
lose them and regret will grow in you...
preserve them like a priceless artifact...
because they will tell you...
It's O.K