This is my mark..
where ever you find it..
thats where Ive been :3..
Ive had this mark for a few years now..
and I'll know if you've taken it..
"If life's not beautiful without the pain,
well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again."
Grausamkeit ist Hingabe
这 是 我 的 住 呼 吸 愛 好 垂 死 的 故 事
gelés dans les tombes de la solitude
Потому что вы всегда останется в моем сердце, пока я умру
a sad existence
know to man as
a dead soul

Let the dreamers fall into their fantasies.
Maybe it will do them good.
Let the walkers journey to the oceans far.
Maybe they will find a new way.
Let the liars lay in the dirt and mud of their impurities.
No one is perfect, we've all been where they have been.
Let the stalkers go on into the night.
They are just chasing their sick imagination's illusions.
Best to watch out for them in the darkest hours.
Let the wishers follow their stars.
We can only hope they won't be crushed by the world.
Let the dead live on.
They are our past and they are our future.
Let the living die.
We are only here with borrowed time.
Let the music carry us.
Its our only language that we can all understand.
Let the wars continue.
It will only show our impudence and wronged the true lies.
Let the fruits of our labor rot.
It will go impure after a long while anyways.
Let history march on forwards.
We are all doomed to repeat it with no one forgiving.
Let this world be not.
Because now its all that can be forgot.
Little Demon
"and I shall be the little demon
that whispers sweet nothings in your ear ..
before your death shall draw near ...
so that I may eat your heart .. and then return to the start ..
so the torture might begin again .. now little darlings I say ..
beware young souls .. beware of me .. for I will drive you insane
and you will pay your toll .. you will see .. one day you will fear my name "
Written By Velchosus Edraxiel ©2k8-1.28
"If life's not beautiful without the pain,
well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again."
About Moi
A new hero this way comes >]

wish me luck ^ ~ ♥

Edited by hitler fairy, danke ♥

Behind the computer screen >>
This is exactly what I am :3

Im Irish so I am lucky
Im Italian so I have a damned short fuse
Im German so I must have an army
Im Polish so I will have fun
Im Russian so Im most likely hotter than you
Im Portuguese so I am annoying
Im French so I have really good taste
Im English so I have insanely good grammar
Im Ukrainian so I am frickin random ;D
If you want to know me more just ask ~
... Im a flirt if you havent noticed ;]
I have a REAL short Attention span,
kinda like a goldfish in a light bulb >>

Grab my attention.. PM/COMMENT/scream obscenities at me..
I am a thread hopper.. I dont stay in one spot for too long..
If you wanna talk.. just facking talk... goddamn...
I am no pervert D<
I have no sex drive or will to have one..
kinda ironic and pointless if you ask me <shrugs> ~_~
I have won 17 tektek contests so far biggrin !
(so proud of myself >w< wink
oh, one more thing..
my friends that are on my top..
theyre up there in no particular order..
they are the people that mean the world to me..
and I would do anything for them..
[Actual Amount of Posts :: 6984
Im an '03-er b***h]

My epiphany..
to the world you are one person..
to one person ..
you can be their world..
thank you for showing me that Zepplyn..
thank you

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
My Page of Random Stuff
/ Quests /
/ Rants /
/ Needs! /
(Lots of love in here =D)
I was adopted by
♥ [Pandemon] ♥
-giddy happy schoolgirl squeee-
I am questing D<
Or I will ..
kill you on the very spot with a rusty coat-hanger.
kill you on the very spot
with my grammatically correct
and confusing insults.
Just as this art inscribes the truth xD
(Thanks PJ!!)

For me :3
burned and killed myself xD
Making 1.5k-3.5k a day ;D
(its its a real good day for me, 15 to 20k wink ))
The sexy People who donated to me ♥
~Zepplyn~ = 12.5k
My lunar cowl,
Gothic Veil,
and Lunar Cloak :3
and endless loves
that no one does for me but him
>w<! heart heart 4laugh
L U M I N A L :: 50k -..O>O -dies xD- THANKYOU!!!
Foresaken.x.Shadow ::
Alurna's Rose 1st gen,
Biancamella 3rd gen,
Hannya Mask,
Immaculate Bishop,
Devoted Pawn,
September Birthstone Crown.
xX-paperwings-Xx = 20k heart heart heart heart
CrimsonMoonshadow = 10k and demonic Anklets heart heart heart
R a i n b o w C l o u d y = 5k heart
Nearly Headless Sarah = 3k heart
carolion rawr = 2k heart
Bizar Jenova = 1k heart
Used Popsicle Stick = 1k heart
Pookiee = Deadly Moon Bubble heart
Preppy n Pink = 670g & 50 tickets heart
`Makayla` = 458 tickets heart
Oh ^^
These are my girls >D
♥ xoxo Neon Starbeam xoxo ♥
♥ iZepplyn ♥
[Number one chika]
♥ X.Ankokou.X ♥
♥ `Makayla` ♥
[Number One Fangirl ;]
♥ iCherryx3 ♥
♥ BloPop ♥
♥ Wet In The Rain ♥
♥ kawaii kappuke-ki ♥
4 more :3
If you also want to be one of my girls, please tell me :3
My old names are Akatsuki no Konton and _A-Prince-in-Misery_
Just a Friendly Reminder for you all ::
My PM Box
is filled everyday to the brim
with like 150%
You could very well
get run over by my other PM's
Just Breathe, Remember I am still here
&Gone are the days you were there protecting me
I'm so unprepared to carry on
So unprepared to stay strong
Thats life dragging you along by the hand
Remember, don't fall, Stand.
Letting go isn't about giving up.
It's about accepting that there are things that cannot be.