Ok so I am in like great pain! I have a MAJOR sunburn. Everyone's like "That's so stupid of you MoMo you should have been wearing sunscreen" but I didn't because I thought I would be in the shade most of the time. stare So stop blaming me. So what happened was I went to the St. Louis Cardinals Game today because well, you know I live and have been born in Missouri so that is the team I grew up with and want to win and stuff. So I went with my Daddy because I love him heart because you know he's my daddy. Oh ya and I got free and good seats because my uncle works there and gave them to us, we also got free awesome parking cool. So anyway it was really hot even though it was like 70 it felt really hot. And of course I had to sit next to this guy who was litterly overflowing into my seat (Ewww gonk) and the guy a coupel rows in front of of would not give up his really really loud whisling which gave me a headache. So we were in the direct sunlight for most have half of the game and my legs are really red and hurt really really really really really really really really bad. So ya. CARDINALS WON OOH YAA!! That was like really the only good thing though....So we won 5 to 4. We'll, we won at the bottom the the 9th it was like amazzzing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GEtting out of the parking garage was not awesome....that was an hour and a half of boredom. I also got a hamburger at Eat-Rite, but I'm not very sure if it was eating right or wrong because it was verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry greasy but good. So that was basicly my day.....yup yup yup. Now I need to put the cooling stuff on my sunburn cause it hurts gonkcryingsadcrymademosweatdrop
Even the cards believe in it So it must exist somewhere
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