He is 18 years old and is the strong, silent type. He has black hair, and golden brown
eyes which could make any girl melt. He is a bit of a player, but there are some girls
that he just doesn’t mess with. He doesn’t have much of a temper; he is more mellow
and lacksadazeakle (not a word, I made it up hehehe) than his team mates. Kiyoshi
was born in a small village outside of the main town into a happy family but his parents
died soon after his ninth birthday. Kiyoshi has a rare talent when it comes to the elements.
Darkness and shadow are his creed, he can blind his enemy, call the night
into a small area and even look into the darkness of a person’s heart. On another note
Amaya is head over heels in love with him, he likes her but has no interest in dating her.
So it is a bit of a friends with benefits relationship. Kiyoshi's favourite
things are pocky, reading, stargazing, and playing with his cat Sye.