Community Member
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 @ 05:53pm
Advice: Not Wanted, NEEDED [Updated/Edited!]
Mood: *Sigh* // Xl Song: 30 Seconds To Mars - The Kill // Paramore - Never Let This Go Lyrics:
<img src="" width="100" height="100" border="0" /><img src="" width="100" height="100" border="0" />
[I will add 'Advice Please?' after everything I need advice on -_-]
[I'm sick and tired of fighting. I'm sick and tired of guessing if or when you're mad. I'm sick and tired of wondering when we'll be friends again. I JUST WANT IT ALL TO STOP, AND I WANT US TO BE FRIENDS]
As much as I love friends, I must tell everyone this: If You Don't Want To Be Friends With Me, Then Don't Be
I don't want to have keep guessing anymore, but I know I'm part of the problem. If anyone is having a problem with me, whether it's my fault or not, please tell me, and we can try to work it out rolleyes
Advice Please? [About me and my friend fighting]
Edit: I apologized to her today, but she still seems to be ignoring me...
As many know, I play violin. And I sort of suck. But I'm 1st violin instead of 2nd. And I made it to Honors Orchestra. And Pit Orchestra. But Could Do So Much Better.
One of best friends, who is also 1st chair violin, is AMAZING at violin, I swear. So, hopefully she can help me improve <3 But I never really get a chance to talk to her...or practice violin with her... She always hangs out with someone I keep arguing with... sweatdrop
My stand partner in Orchestra is kind of getting on my nerves. She never plays, always talks to her friends [who never play] and is always saying 'Would you just shut up?' really quietly when the teacher tells us to be quiet. I don't know what to do about that anymore. I tried ignoring her and being kinda rude to her, but then she always thinks there's something wrong with me. So then I wanna just shout at her for asking so much, even when I ask her to stop asking. Advice Please?
Anways, like I said, I'm in Pit Orchestra. The play is Cinderella[the one with Brandy] and I really like it, but some of the acting could have been a LOT better. But my friend Ayumi was great =3 Congratulations if you're reading this!!!
Edit: Oh My Goodness!!! Today we had Cinderella but at the intermission we had to go to the locker rooms because it was hailing outside and there was a tornado warning! The second half was cancelled but there will be a show later...If we don't have a cast party I want my money back!!! >.<
But I mean, WhAt KiNd Of WeAtHeR iS hAiL iN mArCh?!?!?!?
I have a friend[Let's call her A] that I say is one of my best friends, but I don't think she quite thinks of me as a best friend. But I want her to. Of course, I don't want to force it onto her, but I've already told her, too. We sort of got spilt apart when one of my other friends[Let's call her B] and I got in a fight. B started to hang out with A more, and I was chop liver ;_; A and I have been hanging out a little more after I told her, but it seems to me like we have to try harder than we should have to to be friends. Advice Please?
In other news, I read up to 7 volumes of Mamotte! Lollipop ^_^ BUT I NEED TO READ AN 8TH!!! X3 [The 8th isn't in English yet]
And I was read Kare Kano [which has about 21 volumes in English], but I got bored with it by, like, volume 5 or 6... Xl So good-bye Kare Kano, I suppose... -_-
Oh yeah! Yesterday I got my nails done! That might have sounded really girly, but it was fun ^_^ It was my first time ever getting my nails done, too
My toenails are dark blue[not really that dark, though] and my finger nails are sort of a sea blue...or a teal-ish blue. I'm not sure how describe it... sweatdrop
Thanks for reading. Sorry if it was boring or just me endlessly rambling ^^; Please leave a comment/advice! =3
Community Member
i wuv u^^
u guys rocked, orcha-dorks. xd