A Quick Review
Ok, so a quick review of the story, from the beginning. Daiymo Konda stepped into the spirit world and stole the Taken One from O-Kagachi, guardian of the spirit world, human world, and the line between them. Konda took the disk to his temple, where O-Kagachi came for it. Toshi Umezawa stole it, and took it to the Minamo Academy. At some point, the Myojin of Night's Reach invoked Toshi with the power to travel from shadow to shadow. To travel anywhere in the world just by jumping into a shadow. Minamo was eventually attacked, and Toshi kidnapped Princess Michiko, daughter of the diaymo. He takes her captive, but eventually lets her go because he believes she will stop the war. Somewhere along the line, Yosei, the Morning Star, was hurt in a battle with the O-Kagachi, and the Myojin of Life's Web was demolished. Now, in the third book, Toshi and Michiko fight to save the world!