1. Have you ever milked a monkey? Nope
2. How do you milk a monkey? You grab the... uh... no
3. What letter does your middle name start with? A
4. How many toes do you have? I thought it was ten
5. Do you shave the top of your feet? No...
6. When was the last time you cut your toenails? Today
7. If you were an orange, what would your name be? Philliph
8. Is the cup half empty or half full? half empty
9. Who gave you that cup? Squiiiiid...
10. What the heck is a drama llama? Me... uh... I mean... crackers
11. pirate or ninja? Ninja
12. When was the last time you blew your nose? Today
13. What is the saddest movie you've ever seen? ... I can't remember
14. What is one movie that you can pretty much repeat line for line? LOTR
15. What is your favorite scene of your favorite movie? I can't choose
16. Who is your favorite actor? Can he be cartoon
17. Who is your favorite actress? I don't have one
18. Pudding or Jello? Puddin
19. Do you own any vinyl reords? Nope
20. Do you own a webcam? Nope
21. What was your favorite television show as a child? Samurai Jack
22. Do you plan to have kids? yes
23. If you were a king or queen, what would your number 1 rule be? For everyone to eat coughdrops!
24. What is a cult of personality? What?
25. Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Yes, let me go grab my bag of wind colored paints!
26. What is your favorite Disney movie/cartoon?
27. Have you seen The Labyrinth? OWN IT! Love that movie!
28. What is the scariest movie you've seen? When a stranger calls
29. What is the funniest movie you've ever seen? I don't know. I havn't seen any of late.
30. What's purpose of a porpoise? To swim and be pretty
31. Have you ever been cow tipping? No
32. If you could have a pet dolphin, would it be smarter than you? Yup
33. Should Pluto be taken out of the planet category? It has been there forever why take it out now?
34. If Pluto isn't a planet anymore, will we have to rename Mickey's dog? I suppose
35. What species is Goofy? A walking Dog
36. What game systems do you own? Game boy advance and game Cube
37. Can I have them all? No
38. Do you wear glasses? No
39. Do you know what a poop noodle is? I don't want to
40. Do you know how old PFF is? Who the...
41. Did I confuse you when I said PFF? Yes
42. Do you donate to people? Yes
43. Can I ask you why? Because I can and I want to
44. Why? Because it is nice
45. Are there mountains in your area of the world? no
46. Have you ever been to the ocean? Yes
47. Have you ever eaten a worm? ...Yes
48. Have you ever burnt a bug? no
49. Have you ever saved someone from drowning? no
50. Have you ever taken your pet swimming? Yes
51. Why do monkey's pee in their mouth? O_o
52. Who spanked the baboon's butt? I DID! I addmit it!
53. What was the last movie you saw? A Knight's Tale
54. What color socks are you wearing? Skin
55. What color underwear are you wearing? Blue
56. What color is the floor/carpet under you? Tan
57. Who can you see around you right now? The computer screen and the messy desk
58. If you weren't on gaia right now, what else might you be doing? I would probably be on Fanfiction.net
59. Do you like hashbrowns with gravy, onions, and A-1 sauce? No... I like them by themselves
60. Did you brush your teeth today? yup
61. Honestly, how many days have you been wearing the socks you're wearing right now? My whole life, they just wont come off with out causing alot of blood to spill.
62. Do you own anything pink? Unforunatly
63. What is the color of the walls in your room? Teal
64. Have you ridden a school bus? Yes
65. Do you sing in the shower? Nope
66. Do you pee in the shower? Nope
67. Do you blow your nose in the shower? No
68. Do you make spaghetti in the shower? Yes all the time!
69. Are you tired of me asking about your shower? I really don't mind
70. What shampoo/conditioner do you usually use? Head 'n Sholders
71. Do you have piercings? Yes
72. What's your favorite emote? ninja
73. If you could be a letter in the alphabet, what would you be? T
74. What is your favorite year of school? I don't really think I have one
75. Who was your best friend in first grade? Stephine Pringel
76. Do you know what rocky mountain oysters really are? Nope
77. Do you know the definition of the word 'dork'? Nope
78. Do you have any pets? Yes, alot
79. Are you scared of insects? Nope
80. Pudding or Jello? Didn't I already answer this
81. Ketchup or mustard? Ketchup
82. Have you had Gumbo? No
83. Have you had sushi? Yes, hated it
84. Do you own any instruments? Yes
85. Have you ever been pooped on? No, and I would kill the first person to do so.
86. What is your favorite grandma's name? Donna
87. Do you eat dinner at one table with your family? Yes.
88. Did you ever want a pony? No
89. Do you know how much freakn' food a pony eats? Yes
90. What would fall faster; a pound of butter or a pound of sausage? Neither
91. What was the last thing you ate? Rice
92. Do you know what a hyperbole is? kind of
93. Do you like math? no
94. Do you write notes on your hands? Yes
95. Close your eyes for 10 seconds right now. write what you see. Red and white lights
96. Did you have a dream last night? I can't remember
97. How many hours of sleep did you get last? 8
98. Did you wake up to an alarm this morning? No
99. Do you drink coffee? No
100. Do you believe in fairy's? Yes
101. Would you consider yourself awesome? Nope. I consider myself plain and uninteresting.
102. What is one word that you might say is your catchphrase? I see
103. Do your parents allow you to curse in front of them? Not really but i do it anyways
104. Do/did your parents make you do chores? Yes they do
105. Do/did your parents pay you allowance for chores? Nope
106. Are you listening to music right now? Nope
107. If a duck and a coconut had babies, what might they look like? well it would be fuzzy like a coconut and have wings
108. Roughly, how many guilds do you belong to? None
109. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Think '******** morning'
110. Do you set your clothes out before bed? nope
111. When was the last time you were nervous? I'm nervous alot...
112. Have you traveled somewhere outside of your home country? Yes
113. Do you have a ghetto booty? No
114. Can you do the hustle? The what
115. How do you want to die? ...
116. What is your obsession? My friends
117. Have you laughed so much it hurt? Yes... A long long time ago
118. Have you cried so much it hurt? Recently a lot
119. Have you cried on purpose to get out of something? No
120. Have you tasted tears? Yes
121. How do you make a crocodile cry? Pull out it's teeth
122. What happens when you give a mouse a cookie? It gets fat
123. When is the last time you colored something? A few days ago
124. How old do you act most of the time? I don't know
125. Have you been punished for something you didn't do? Yes
126. Have you ever hid your grades from your parents? Yes
127. Have you ever stayed up for more than 24 hours? Yes
128. Can you put your legs behind your head? No
129. When is the last time you blew bubbles in your drink? I don't remember
130. How often do you drink water? All the time
131. How often do you exercise? Not so often
132. Have you ever made snow angels? Yes
133. Have you ever built a sand castle? Yes
134. Have you broken any bones? No
135. Have you ever seen a ghost? No
136. Do you remember your first crush? Yes
137. Have you ever written something on a bathroom wall/door/mirror? Yes
138. Have you ever gotten caught passing notes in school? Yes
139. Do you like the smell of permanent markers? No
140. Do you like the smell of gas? No
141. What is your favorite smell? Mens deorident
142. What is your favorite sound? Guitar
143. Describe the feeling of sand/mud between your toes. Squishy and nasty
144. Have you ever made someone eat something nasty? no
145. Did you spray yourself with a fragrance today? Nope
146. Icecream; cup or cone? Cone
147. Have you ever given a friend bad advice? Unfortunetly
148. When was the last time you got your hair cut? Last week
149. How old were you 5 years ago? 12
150. Do you remember the Alamo? Yes
151. What do you think about cloning? It is stupid
152. If you could go back in time, what time period would you end up in? The fudal era
153. Where did the phrase "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" come from? I don't know
154. Do you think someone has ever eaten a whole horse? If they are starving
155. Do you believe in Paul Bunyan? Nope
156. What is your favorite type of cheese? None
157. What shirt are you wearing? A white sweater
158. When was the last time you washed your sheets? the last time i did my landruy
159. Are you picky about what type of milk you drink? nope.
160. What's your favorite breakfast food? Eggs
161. What was the reason for your last doctor visit? Ear infection
162. Do you have any birthmarks? Yes, 2
163. What was the last CD you bought? Dir en Grey
164. Who killed Roger Rabbit? Don't care.
165. Who dunnit?
166. Do you know how to swim?
167. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
168. Birds or bees?
169. Have you been stung by a bee?
170. Do you know how to lasso?
171. Have you been fishing?
172. Have you caught any fish?
173. Have you kissed a fish?
174. Have you rubbed a lamp which resulted in a genie popping out?
175. Do you believe in a thing called love?
176. Can you find Waldo?
177. When is the last time you played with water guns?
178. Did you participate in WWII?
179. Are you scared of old people?
180. Do you know the story behind the children's song "ring around the rosy"?
181. If it was 7:00pm, where might you be?
182. If it was 10:00 pm, where might you be?
183. Do you know any good irish drinking songs?
184. Have you been camping?
185. Has a bear ever tried to eat your food?
186. Have you ever karate chopped a bear for trying to eat your food?
187. Have you ever had a tea party?
188. What way does the cookie crumble?
189. Do you dip your cookies in milk?
190. Do you have certain ways to eat your food?
191. Are there certain things you can't/ shouldn't eat?
192. Have you ever been stinked by a skunk?
193. What's your favorite nickname?
194. How many rooms are in your house/living place?
195. Do you share a room with someone else?
196. Where is the computer located at in your house?
197. Can I pay you back Wednesday for a hamburger today?
198. Do you know what the most wonderful thing about Tigger's is?
199. Do you sing in the produce isle?
200. Is the grass greener on the other side?
201. Do you know what a 'muck-raker' is?
202. Do you know what a 'brown-noser' is?
203. Why was the Brown Eyed Girl never named?
204. Have you ever been on a boat?
205. Have you ever been on a plane?
206. Have you ever been on a plane... FULL OF SNAKES!?
207. Would you survive an atomic attack?
208. Can I have a hug?
209. Can I have another?
210. Will you take me home with you?
211. Have you ever changed a diaper?
212. Have you ever changed an adult diaper?
213. Do you usually make alot of typos?
214. Do you use lotion?
215. Do you play any sports?
216. Do you watch any sports?
217. Could you survive a zombie attack?
218. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
219. Have you snorted pixie sticks (powdered sugar)?
220. Are you an organized person?
221. Are you questing right now?
222. Do you have a story behind your gaia avi?
223. How high have you gotten in the avatar arena?
224. What can you do with a rubber band, stick of gum, thumb tack, and a balloon?
225. Have you ever went apple picking?
226. Have you ever been to a bee farm?
227. Have you ever broken a mirror?
228. Have you ever shouted at the top of your lungs "cowabunga!"
229. Who is your favorite comedian?
230. Do your parents tell you you're special?
231. Do you have a funny joke to share?
232. Is it true that you learn something new everyday?
233. Is it harder to swim in syrup than water or would it be the same?
234. Have you ever blown anything up in the microwave?
235. Have you been burned on the 4th of July?
236. What is your favorite salad dressing?
237. Who won the war in my pants?
238. Do your ears hang low?
239. What is one thing about your body that sets you apart from most others?
240. Can you pat your head and rub your belly?
241. Can you do a summersault?
242 . Can you do a back flip?
243. Can you burp on command?
244. Can you burp the alphabet?
245. How far have you gotten burping it?
246. When did you learn to swim?
247. Do you have any cute baby stories?
248. Are you photogenic?
249. Are you hypoalergenic?
250. Whoever heard of a Snozberry?
251. What have you eaten today?
252. What have you been craving that you haven't had in a while?
253. What is your favorite food?
254. Could you swim in your favorite food?
255. Have you jumped on a trampoline?
256. Have you launched a snot rocket?
257. Have you been skinny dipping?
258. Have you been chunky dipping?
259. Chug-a-lug?
260. Have you slid down the hall in your socks?
261. Have you eaten a bug?
262. What's your favorite sushi?
263. What is your favorite fruit?
264. What vegitable would win in a vegitable war?
265. Do you watch Adult Swim?
266. What is your favorite channel?
267. When was the last time you ran through the sprinklers?
268. When was the last time you rode a bike?
269. Do you own a rubber ducky?
270. How old will you be in 3 years?
271. Do you consider yourself shy?
272. Do you consider yourself creative?
273. How many showers do you take in an average week?
274. What is on your desk right now?
275. What brand is your favorite pair of shoes?
276. Who is your best friend?
277. What is the scariest thing you've encountered?
278. Do you have a bf/gf at the moment?
279. Where are you right now?
280. What is your favorite TV show?
281. What is your favorite website?
282. What do you think of PFF?
283. What do you think of this thread?
284. Have you joined PFF's guild?
285. What do you think should be the prize for finishing these questions?
286. How many questions do you think should be listed here?
287. How many people do you think will finish this?
288. How much would could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would?
289. Do you have a jar of pickles in your house?
290. Can you FedEx it to me, please?
291. Have you ever met someone from the internet that you didn't already know previously?
292. What makes you tick?
293. If there was a cheese rolling contest, what cheese would roll the fastest?
294. Which way do you prefer your cheese; blocks/squares, shredded, melted, other?
295. Have you every eaten stinky cheese?
296. What was the weirdest thing you've eaten?
297. Have you watched a tv show and thought "hey, I could be on that show"? If so, which one?
298. Have you been punched in the face?
299. Have you punched someone else in the face?
300. Have you punched yourself in the face?
301. What is the weather like in your town today?
302. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
303. If you could talk to mermaid's, what would be the first thing you said/asked?
304. If you could have a pet dinosaur, which species would it be and what would you name it?
305. If you could meet anyone you wanted, who would it be?
306. What is one talent you wish you had?
307. If you could make your house out of a certain food, what would it be?
308. Do you like reptiles?
309. Do you think you're popular on gaia?
310. How many people on your gaia friendlist do you know personally?
311. How many people on your gaia friendlist did you invite to gaia?
312. How often are you on gaia?
313. What is your favorite video game?
314. Paste whatever you have on your clipboard. If nothing, just say so. biggrin
315. When was the first time, if ever, you colored your hair?
316. What were you for halloween last year?
317. What do you plan to do this year?
318. Do you think trick-or-treating is for a certain age group? If so, what age group?
319. What is the age that you can drive in your state/country?
320. Do you think people born on halloween are evil?
321. What are you listening to right now?
322. What time do you anticipate your next meal to be?
323. What do you anticipate your next meal will be?
324. What's better, pen or pencil?
325. What color ink do you like using best?
326. When you color, what do you use (crayon, colored pencils, markers, etc.)?
327. Have you ever joined a protest?
328. What is the largest animal you have seen with your own two eyes?
329. What is the largest animal you have touched?
330. What large theme parks have you been to?
331. When is the last time you slide down a slide?
332. When and what was the last thing you broke?
333. Your belly button - iny or outy?
334. Have you gotten a manicure/pedicure in the last year?
335. When was the last time it rained in your area?
336. How often do you eat out (restraunt, fast food)?
337. When is the last time you got a bloody nose?
338. When was the last time you cried and why?
339. When was the last time you laughed and why?
340. What is one joke that never fails to make you laugh?
341. Do you like roller coasters?
342. Do you have a lisence to drive?
343. Do you have a lisence to kill?
344. Could I borrow it?
345. Which peanut butter do you prefer; chunky, smooth, creamy, etc.?
346. What is your favorite flavor jelly/jam?
347. What is your favorite breakfast food?
348. What do you usually make to eat when you're lazy?
349. Do you wash dishes?
350. What dish soap is used for your dishes?
351. What's the most expensive thing you own?
352. What is the most times you've skipped a rock (if any)?
353. What religion are you?
354. How old were you when you recieved/gave your first kiss?
355. Gummy bears or worms?
356. What soap do you use to wash your body (bar, liquid, etc.)?
357. Do you prefer pants or shorts?
358. Who would win in a fight; a kangaroo or a panda bear?
359. What would be the finishing move?
360. Who/what is your favorite comic book character?
361. Is your current avi your goal?
362. What was the inspiration to your current avi?
363. Have you entered in the avatar contest before? If so, what was the best score?
364. Have you tried pickled pigs feet?
365. If you were stranded with no food in a group of people, how long would you hold out untill you resorted to cannibalism?
366. If you were stranded with no food in a group of people, how long would you expect to survive before they ate you?
367. If you woke up next to me, what would be your first reaction?
368. Do you know what PFF looks like under her lunar cowl?
369. Did you know PFF was a girl?
370. What do you like best about PFF?
371. Finish this sentence: Excuse me, half an hour ago ___
372. Finish this sentence: It was just last week that I ___
373. Finish this sentence: It wasn't me, I swear, it was ___
374. Finish this sentence: You think this sort of thing ___
375. Finish this sentence: Perhaps all it takes is ___
376. Finish this sentence: Curiosity ___
377. Finish this sentence: Pudding? No no, I asked ___
378: Finish this sentence: You're doing it all wrong, look, ___
379. Finish this sentence: My balogne has a first name, it's ___
380. What does your dream house look like?
381. If you were a farm animal, what would you be?
382. Why don't you just shut up?
383. Have you ever been on a train?
384. Have you ever been on an elephant?
385. Have you ever been attacked by an animal?
386. Finish the sentence: Pedestrians are ___
387. Finish the sentence: The only thing I want to do right now is ___
388. Finish the sentence: Gaia is my ___
389. Finish the sentence: Gimme one second, I'm ___
390. What would you do with a million dollars?
391. Have you found these questions entertaining?
392. With that last question, wouldn't you think it would mark the end of the questionaire?
393. Do you like endings with a surprising twist?
394. What is the last book you read?
395. Do you consider yourself mature?
396. What sort of creature is Kirby?
397. If a stranger gave you $50 and ran away, what would you do with it?
398. How many push ups can you do?
399. When is the last time you went swimming?
400. When was the last time you got 'all dressed up'?
401. Do you have a curfew?
402. Shaken or stirred?
403. chocolate or vanilla?
404. What is your favorite genre of film?
405. What is your favorite genre of music?
406. Do you own a turkey?
407. Why/why not?
408. What is your mother's middle name?
409. What is your father's middle name?
410. Switch their middle names. Is it funny?
411. If you were famous and needed protection, how many people would you request protect you?
412. What would you call the people who watched out for you?
413. Does anything on your body hurt right now?
414. What color is your hair right now?
415. When was the last time you shaved?
416. Finish this sentence: Boys are made of ___.
417. Finish this sentence: Girls are made of ___.
418. Have you ever had a black eye.
419. What was the first CD you ever owned?
420. Do you still own audio casette tapes?
421. Do you still own VCR tapes?
422. What do you think is the coolest invention?
423. If you could create your own invention, what would it do?
424. What is your favorite time of day?
425. What is your favorite time of year?
426. Where is your favorite place to shop?
427. What month is your birthday in?
428. Do you still (if ever) countdown the days untill your birthday?
429. What brand of deoderant do you use?
430. Why type of toothpaste do you use?
431. Hard or soft toothbrush bristles?
432. What sort of hair brush do you use?
433. Do you know how to swim?
434. When is the last time you slept on a couch?
435. What is the newest CD you have purchased?
436. What is your height?
437. What do you plan to name your first boy?
438. What do you plan to name your first girl?
439. What age do you plan to talk to your future child about the 'birds and the bees'?
440. Who was stupid enough to use the analogy of birds and bees? I mean come on... birds EAT bees!
441. What is your least favorite animal and why?
442. What color are your eyes?
443. Are you close to your family?
444. When you walk into your room, what is the first thing you notice?
445. Are you crafty?
446. What are carrots good for?
447. What is the most important thing you learned in school?
448. What is the most important thing you learned from your parents?
449. When is the last time you went on a trip/vacation?
450. Are you a good cook?
451. Would you rather have crusty boogers or a runny nose?
452. Do you like spicy mustard (dijon) or regular recipe?
453. Pepsi or Coke?
454. What is your favorite brand/flavor of chips?
455. Do you believe in aliens?
456. Would you rather swim with sharks or be in a feild with buffalo's during an earthquake?
457. Have you ever got an empty fortune cookie?
458. Do you have a certain way you open fortune cookies?
459. Fried rice or white rice?
460. Can you use chop sticks?
461. Have you everseen what a woodchuck could chuck?
462. Do you think think camel's have nice humps?
463. Would you touch a camel hump?
464. Don't you think there is more than one Waldo?
465. Do you think someone touches you at night in your sleep?
466. Do you think your neighbors own a weapon of mass destruction?
467. Are there more funnier things in your than just your funny bone?
468. Have you ever called someone using a BananaPhone? Did it work?
469. Have you ever thought that someone was watching you and you turned around to find a squirrel, and could have swore it was smiling at you?
470. Do you own a camera?
471. Finish the sentence: "Snap, crackle, ___"
472. Finish the sentence: "Jesus was ___"
473. Finish the sentence: "I like ___"
474. Finish the sentence: "Aliens ___"
475. Finish the sentence: "Programmed to ___"
476. Finish the sentence: "a heard of rabbit ___"
477. Finish the sentence: "I couldn't be ___"
478. Finish the sentence: "Your feet ___"
479. Finish the sentence: "I wake up to ___"
480. Finish the sentence: "One day everyone ___"
481. Finish the sentence: "Pudding tastes ___"
482. Finish the sentence: "Ducks ___"
483. Finish the sentence: "Push ___"
484. Finish the sentence: "If my dog ran away ___"
485. Finish the sentence: "Pickles are ___"
486. Where is your ideal place to live?
487. What is your favorite thing in your room?
488. What keys, if any, are fadded on the keyboard you're using right now?
489. What kind of computer do you own, if any?
490. What is your favorite flower?
491. Which do you prefer: paper clip or staple?
492. Which do you prefer: tape or glue?
493. Recite your favorite quote.
494. Change 3 words in your favorite quote to make it sound a little funny.
495. Are you good at drawing?
496. Can you sing?
497. What is your greatest accomplishment?
498. Who was the last person you talked to and what relation do they have to you?
499. How do you like your coffee?
500. What is your favorite beverage?
501. What would one find in your favorite sandwich?
502. How close is your house to the freeway/highway?
503. Have you ever been in an automobile accident? If so, who's fault was it?
504. Do you/did you name your stuffed animals?
505. Do you still have any stuffed animals, and if named, name them.
506. What was the name of your kindergarden teacher?
507. What was your favorite thing about kindergarden?
508. Would you take a bullet for me?
509. What was the highest tempurature you had during a fever?
510. Which is it: beer before liquor, or liquor before beer?
511. What are twosies?
512. What was the time and weight you were born at?
513. Where were you born (hospital, ambulance, tub, etc.)?
514. Do you know what you want to be when you "grow up"?
515. Are you/were you in any sports in school?
516. If you met an alien, what might it look like?
517. Do you read the newspaper?
518. Do you watch the televised news?
519. How often do you use google?
520. Are you a registered ebay user?
521. Have you ever bought anything online?
522. What color are your bedsheets?
523. What's under your bed?
524. Look up; what do you see?
525. Look left; what do you see?
526. Look right; what do you see?
527. Look down; what do you see?
528. Look behind you; what do you see?
529. What color are the walls in your bathroom?
530. What flooring does your kitchen have (ex: tile, hardwood, etc.)?
531. If you were a king or queen, what would you call your kingdom?
532. If you were a king or queen, what would you call your subjects?
533. If you were a king or queen, what would you require your subjects refer to you as?
534. What did you think about this questionairre and would you suggest it to any of your friends?
View User's Journal
Cyane's Random Complaints and Stuffs.
Anything comes in and out of my mind. ^^
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I was born on the day of Xemnes + Axel
In the month of Luxord
In the year of Xemnas + Demyx and Demyx + 0
My Fave Number is Marluxia
I was born on the day of Xemnes + Axel
In the month of Luxord
In the year of Xemnas + Demyx and Demyx + 0
My Fave Number is Marluxia