That you can't obtain?
Like trading sunshine
For a handful of rain.
Want to sell something
That you don't have?
Like trying to sell
A forgotten laugh.
Want to buy something
That you can't control?
Like buying a die
After one roll.
Want to exchange something
That you don't need?
Like exchanging wisdom
When you can't even lead.
Pleasure doing business
To someone like you.
For I'll trade you a lie
If you sell everything that's true.

Total Value: 50,790 Gold
After Exclusions: 46,587 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Those Black 90s Gloves
Radicool Blackout Trim Top
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots
White Wool Top
White Polar Expedition Pile Jacket
Lunar Scythe
Short White Socks
Snowbored Pants Green
Spirit Falcon