I don't know if anyone has really gotten a chance to dig into my personality yet or not, but I want to let everyone know exactly what kind of person I am.
I'm not a simple country girl, my life is complex as well as my personality.
I'm human just like everyone else. I have feelings of anger, saddness, hatred just as much as anyone else would.
I'm not a very decisive person. It takes me a while to actually come up with a decision that I am completely satisfied with. I'm starting to be a bit better with this but hey...change takes time.
I am a procrastinator. I always put off things till the last minute.
I get addicted to things easily such as games and gaia...even food can get addicting to me.
I'm not exactly lazy, but I have difficulty pulling myself away from things that are insignificant such as...lets say a little rpg game I've been playing lately, or a television show that I"m interested in. However, when I can I tend to actually work and do well at it.
I have the worst memory on the planet. I'd forget my name if I didn't have to write it on paper everyday.
I don't have a very long attention span. In fact, I am usually going from one thing to another and a lot of times I never even finish the first thing I was doing.
My personality is ever changing as well as my emotions. This is not so easy for me to explain but maybe someone will realize what it means. I will say though, that when I am emotional, it is probably not the best time to be talking to me or asking me to talk about how I feel. Usually I'm not really sure myself and will just say random things that make no sense at all. Sometimes I may even say things that I don't honestly mean. Just something to be aware of.
Yes I call myself a little girl because I am still maturing and I have a lot to learn. I have some wisdom but that is just from experiences that I have gone through in my lifetime that have greatly influenced me.
I am not exactly the smartest girl on the block and I don't always know what's going on. I also have a small vocabulary range and poor grammar at times.
I stutter when I talk. It's not too bad, but it is definitely noticeable at times. I also have a southern accent go figure.
I am a country girl, I live with my grandfather in a community surrounded by people that I'm related to in someway. Some of them are just family friends, but most of them are family. I have a huge family on both my mother and father's side. This is not including my step-family. We all get together, well each side of the family that is, every now and then and have huge country family reunions. These usually take place in a large area that can hold all of us.
I am a reserved, shy girl. I don't always open up to people. In fact, a lot of times I keep to myself. In the real world that is. Online I tend to be more open and outgoing. I like the companionship of others, but there are times when I just like to sit in a quiet room, or outside when the sky is clear, and think about things or have a small casual conversation with a significant other.
I am playful..that pretty much explains a lot of things.
I'm sensitive. Words, actions, even facial expressions can effect me and how I feel.
There are a lot of people out there who I can honestly say have no idea about me and who I really am. There is more to me than what can be written on paper, but if anyone is willing and interested in knowing me as a real person, well you'll just have to meet me in person, or take the time to actually get to know me. Good luck to ya though, : P I'm not an easy person to decipher.
Angel Serene Community Member |