Well....its kinda funny how people you were so close with for many years can just up and leave, like nothing ever happened. I hurts, they say they will always be your friend and it makes you happy. You tell them you will always be there for them and they can come to you with anything and everything; but when something important happenes they dont even tell you about it. Expecting you to find out on your own....but telling other people about it. Makes me wonder if they even took my words to heart or just blew them off like they didnt mean s**t.....I dont know anymore....everything is so ******** up
Its like I have some kind of desiese and everyone that I love is staying clear of me...or ignoring me; something along thoes lines. I open myself up to people, let them tell me their problems and help them in ways i wish I could help myself and, most of them realize what I do and help me back. But some people I feel just forget about me and leave me in the dark about things. Its like 'did I really mean much to you, that you could atleast tell me s**t' I try, I really try to be better and get it thrown back at me, even if they dont realize what they are doing.....
Sometimes I wonder if it is worth saying anything, or should I just keep my mouth shut and see what happens? Would they eventualy say something to me. Or would they just keep not talking to me and expect me to find out that sertain things have happened? Things just dont work like that, I wont know untill I'm told....I'm not a pshycic here. I cant ******** minds over the net. Sometimes I wish things could go back to what they were...
I just wish people would take me more seriously and stop ******** trampling over my feelings and trust. Soon I'll lock myself up again like I was at one time and no one will be able to bring me out...and then what? People will get mad and frustrated that I wont help them, or that I wont talk or open up. Well ******** I wonder who's fault that was? hmmm? Cuz you know, you didn't just stab me, no, not at all, ******** funny how fast people can move on and forget.
The world and most of the people in it are so fickle
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