Ok this is a story about my avi/(some what of been going threw my head at the same time) so here it is if you like it or not comment or not idc really just something i was doing while i was bored...
oh btw if your really in to god and everything you might not want to read this because i have my own ways of seeing things thank you...
The Begining
In the beging every one say that god created man and made women out of man...well look at that now i don't really see that being possible because why would god make one power over the other...ayways people say god created us and that the devil is out to runin his creation of man or what ever but what people leave out is that god can't be the only one who creat stuff i'm sure the devil can to considering most thing we live with is not plesent...but looking at things this way how god makes one and the devil makes another creating blance in the world there was something that was created by both at the same time something that shouldn't of been created but was for expermental reasons and that what this story is about a creation that even the heavens or the depths of hell will take for whats it become...
The Creation
As i sid earlyer god was know to make good things and the devil was to make bad things but during the creation prossess of making things they both decied to make one thing that was good and evil at the same time so see what became of it. As that happend they found what they created was something they should of kept in they'er minds...for what they made can't be killed and will not be killed for either world does not want what they just created, try to imagen a angel mix with a demon but if that not odd enough for u try adding a part fox for the demon and part bunny for the good...(don't ask me why those two animals thats what they just picked) Any ways for this creation or thing of which they call it was generaly ment to be two different creations but was combind in to one, because the one creation that the devil made was uncontrolable for any demon or even angel to stop it the only one who could was the good creation which was apart of the evil one. So they decied that they would combind the two so the evil one doesn't destroy the world that they were creating but if the good creation can't keep the evil creation undercontroll they split apart and are killed and reborn into the new cycle of life to restart and to fix they'er mistakes.
Good Creation:
name: Renna
species: Angel/Fox
power: Able to bring things back to life and to give immortal life to others also able to heal others -mostly used on the evil creation- can also control water and light
mission: to keep evil creation calm no matter what and kills demons that causes problems
personality: think of what angel is like then add like a 5 yearold personality to it
weapon: Scythe mostly but also use a sword for easy kills
Evil Creation:
name: Aytramis
species: Demon/Fox
power: Able to kill some one in one quick mostion is able to take immortal life away and creats pain with in the mind and body -manly for tourcher- can also control fire and darkness
mission: to make a new world under its controll kills anything that trys to stop it or think its better then it also wants the grims job -i don't know what but it does-
personality: It has it demonic personality but also has like the rebelus teenager in it
weapon: Scythe is it favorite it has a bow but only use it for being lazy within a fight or when its just bored and need somthing to do
Together Creation
name: Aytramis Renna Rose
species: Demonic Angel/Fox
power: the combination of both creations (also able to comunicate with eachother in there mind)
mission: to find away to make thing right between the three worlds and to protect the ones living on they're world
personality: Hard to descripe it considering they keep changing in and out between each creation
weapon: just guess it i'm sure you know by now
Chapter: 1
This is what happens when your forced to sleep outside because no one in town is willing to give u a room to stay in, you get caught. From the looks of the room its looks like and old cell from when there a giant wooden door with a little window on it with three bars on it, but usually these rooms don't come with a bed. Pats bed its not a bad one too although i have a feeling I've been here before. I told you to sleep some were like a cave or an abandon house but no u had to sleep in a filed think all those flowers would cover you...idiot, thought Aytramis. I also told this to while look threw this town one there are no caves around here (also i wouldn't sleep in one considering what kind of animals sleep in there as well) and two there are no abandon house and if here was one it would of been occupied form the looks of the town, thought Reana. Excuses, Excuses and look were we land because of them in a freaking cell, though Aytramis, yes and also was just thinking i feel like we've been here before have we not, thought Reana. Aytramis looks around then says, eh i don't know I kinda don't pay attention to details to rooms I leave that to you, she said sounding as if she was smirking at the same time. Oh thanks nice to know that you don't pay attention at times makes me feel real safe, said Reana getting up now to open the door still looking around in the room. Hey I said i don't pay attention to the rooms not to other things get it straight said Aytramis sounding anoyed and offended Reana opened the door and walked out looking seeing what looked like an old dungeon room with curve sitar way and starts walking up it. Hmm well the sitars seem familiar said Aytramis, well yeah but we been on these kinda sitars hundreds of times so why would that seem different to you said Reana. (still working)
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If you read this that you can add your opinouns but this is also for letting poeple that i'm questing for my dream avi donations will be loved asual thx!
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Aytramis Rose
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Art done by Axzaki Heroki coloring done my me
Art done by Axzaki Heroki coloring done my me
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