San Fransisco...
so i was suposed to go to the big lebowski fest, but at 10pm we decided to drive up to SF, and we did! HOw cool is that? Never had such a fun spontaneous partner. Anyway, we slep when we got there at a comfort in near the airport, and went into the city the next day, went to china town, japan town, got little snackies there...saw lame para para dancing nerds, then took a bus and went on a babenture trying to find that hippy street, but ended up nowhere, then we finally made it back to the car...and tried to go see GWAR, but they only had balcony seats, so we went to beauty bar and danced to Richard oh!'s set, i was too drunk by like 11, so got a hotel and passed was good tho.Then in my hangover state i went to haite and ashbury, i'm sure i spelled that wrong, and got some good records at ameoba, and some bad blackbean soup, and japan town again