Wow I am tired. I was just at ANOTHER b-day party! It was really fun. There was about nine girls and her brother. Her brother was kinda cute too and the b-day girl was getting mad because we were hanging out with him. I probably shouldn't be typing this cause it's public but oh well. OK well there is a big tent then a smaller tent and for some reason everyone was in the small tent and only three people in the big tent. Well we were talking and I was opposite of the front of the tent on the inside laying down and I had no idea at all that there was another opening to the back of me. So we were just talking and suddenly like I feel someone shaking the tent behind me and it didn't scare anyone. I thought it was one of the other girls trying to scare us. THEN suddenly I hear like a noise (which was the zipper of the boor thing behind me but I didn't know that at the time) and when I started turning around I saw a freakin hand reaching through and all of the girls started screaming including me. And if you didn't know I have the most ear piercing scream. It scared me so badly, but it was only her brother. After he did that my friend Emily and I got out of the tent and chased him down when we caught him I punched him in the stomach ^^ After that he came in out tent. OK he is 15 and we are all 14 but it was fine with me XD. So we were just talking for a while and then the b0day girl left the tent and went to the big one with the other three girls. We thought she went there just because she felt bad for then cause they felt left out for some reason. So we weren't at all doing anything bad with her bro only talking and playing with fire and that was so fun I wouldn't be surprised if I became a pyromaniac. the bro was a pyromaniac and he had a lighter and he took like the top kinda to where the fire is even bigger, then he put the lighter fluid on his hand and lit it. So one of the other girls and I tried with was really cool. He kept playing with the fire and I was just waiting for something to catch on fir and burn the tent down but it didn't! ^^ Ok so we were only talking to him and after a while I said " well if you dad comes we will just cover you" like with the blanket and right when I said that my friend saw the dad like behind me outside the tent!! I was like oh freakin noooo! I hear the dad and I grab the blanket to cover him and I just threw it on him while he ducked but that didn't work. So then we were trying to tell him to go through that back because we wanted to not only save his but save ours too sweatdrop It was too late, he already knew. Apparently the b-day girl told her dad! Then we got into this whole fight and drama drama drama but we fixed it. Then two of my friends went inside the house to go the the bathroom and they had to stay downstairs so we didn't wake up the parents. Well after they were done the bro started talking to them and he got caught only talking to them and he followed them outside! He was all like well I guess I gonna have to watch you guys like they just went in there to talk to the bro! UURRGGG it was so annoying. so 4 other of my friends and I went in the tent to talk because the dad was sitting there with us around the fire and we thought it was weird. So finally at like three he gets up and it like "Well I'm getting to bed, maybe you girls should too, you need your sleep." And he finally left which he was just waiting for the bro to got to sleep (which he really wasn't). So when he was finally gone I went with two other girls to go brush our teeth and the bro comes in the bathroom and asks if his dad is asleep, and I said no he's in the kitchen. (the dad didn't really go to sleep he was spying on us through the kitchen window). So when we were done i went in the bros room and watched like a youtube vid but I didn't want to get him in trouble so I left. And yada yada I gotta eat dinner now.