well it all stared somewhere under Venisula... you see, few know this bt somewhere under Venisula chickins fly, they made a socity there, you see, do to certin famous feasts, the Chickens, and Turkyes never really saw eye to eye, they only didn't kill each other on the spot in hopes that the other would be chosen, but one day, the Turkyes from an indipendit poltry state found the land under Venisula, and war broke out... It's been a long time since then, and noone really knows what happened inbetwean, sure there are storys, but what we do know is that Pojo, a great and mighty gient firebrething chicken, started a socity, we doon't know exactly how the socity inclueded humenodes, but... Pojo, by the way, lives on, he is wandering somewhere in the univers. well, it turns out the Turkeys set up a colleny on the same planet, and thec great conflict stared again.