I have time to kill, though not enough to actually acomplish anything, and I just realized that I have played through an entire video game between blogs. For those of you who do not know, meaning those of you I never talk to in RL, I LOVE me a good video game. I think that many games are works of art and would love to be involved in the industry. I think that they could be utilized as educational tools- esp considering the corrolational studies between children's reading comprehension and time spent playing video games. Gamers have better reading comprehension, problem solving skills, and hand-eye coordination. That doesn't mean that I think all children should sit in front of a TV all the time, far from it, but I do enjoy a good game.
My latest game for myself is of course, sexy Syid-esc Prince of Persia. Now I own every POP since the original on NES (sans hand-held) and have always loved them. However, I believe that this game, like so many others, definatly benifits from being ported to the Wii. The movements are fluid to a fault- I can't count the times I heard myself utter, "If this was button-mashing, I could do it" as the poor prince was stabbed to dath. However, as annoying as that was, it did lead to a whole new appreciation of the game world.

Anyhoo, so the controls were intuitive and awesome, but we have come to expect this of the Nintendo community, hell, the gaming community at large. This has become more something that you b***h about if it's bad then compliment when it's good, but this game is an entirely different experience on Wii. I absolutely loved it, and, just like Zelda, played it until I got to sore to play it anymore. I actually like that feeling. You mess up when you get tired because you physically cannot do it. I know that that sounds like a b***h, but I enjoyed it, brought a whole new level to the game.
Those around me did not enjoy my inability as much as I did. I know that a couple of times, people have dived out of my way, or simply said, "Pause, I can't sit next to you during a boss battle," or "I'm moving". And I'm not even the kind of gamer who throws the controller through the TV screen. Oh well...

There were a couple of things I didn't like, such as the Don King hair of the Evil Prince and that DAMN STATUE OF YOUR DAD PUZZLE that no one really knows how to solve, and if they tell you they do, they're a liar. But these few mistakse are buried under layers and layers of gold.
So, to make a long story short, I give Prince of Persia a glowing recomendation.