So he's all professional, and he pimps his suit out. Then he makes a device. Three of them to be exact. He then goes to a boarding school, and finds a respectable young man and puts one on his back.

The boy looks at him weirdly mutters something sounding like *****. He walks off but one of his friends tell him about the device. He peels it off and drops it on the ground. Enter me, for some reason at a British boarding school. I'm with a friend, who knows, some British chick. I see that funny looking device, and say hey, that looks cool. "It would make a perfect earring... too bad there's only one. Oh hey!" I say lifting my shirt up slightly and place it on my navel. It's big enough to just cover it. Tucking my shirt back in I notice that the glowing goes through a little. "See, now people will want to see why my belly button's glowing!" we laugh and then walk into school.
Flash to Gary vs. The Doctor... well The Master is laughing his head off.
The Doctor gets his best glare, "I will ask this once. You have one chance to prove yourself. Why... are ... you laughing!?"
"Well, I had a brilliant idea," He pauses to wipe his eyes. "I completed it. Now you are going to be stuck in the body of a teenage human." The Master presses a switch. And more evil laughter.
I blink slowly. The Doctor is laughing hysterically in my face. He peels off one of the body swappers and sits up. "Oh must not forget my favorite tool," he says. He reaches out a hand towards me, which, me still being me I slap. Then I notice something. My hands shocked me. They were large, and male.
"Oh craptastic luck I have." Once again I was shocked. "I am not a man... I am not a man... this is a dream... a really bad dream..."
"It seems I made a slight calculation. But this just make it so much funnier. Ha, The Doctor stuck in the body of a girl!"
Flash to my body waking up.
"Ung... wait new teeth.... I didn't regenerate did I? Wait... I feel different. Oh wait last night... Did the Master say teenage human... wait... I've never... oh no he didn't, cruel and evil he might be but... wait on top of that I'm a Yank?" I-er he grumbled.
"(Insert My Name here.... I've had stalkers before ya know, I don't want them to find me) are you up? I know its only one of your first days at school, but I thought you and (Insert some name I can't remember of the chick from school) were great friends in the making. I'm sure you'll feel better at school, now get up and get ready for school." My host mom says from the other side of the door. There's no uniform, so the doctor raids my clothes for the manliest looking clothes. A Button up black and gold shirt, A vest, a pair of brown striped pants, and a pair of converses, because even though he's in a new body, he's still the tenth doctor and converses are his mode of shoes.
Flash to Gary Oldman In a restroom... yes me. "Okay, so this is a perk, but still, I think I prefer my old body, too bad that crazy guy ran off with some laser screwdriver without me..." I mumble, thinking incorrectly that I was alone. Then from the shadows comes a voice.
"Crazy guy with a laser screwdriver, what did he look like?" asked CAPTAIN JACK THE OMNISEXUAL MAN.... *cough*
"Erm a bit brown hair, pinstriped brown suit... oh and converses, can't forget 'em." I tell him.
"Wait, he took a laser screwdriver?" Jack asked confused.
"Yeah, but sir, last thing I remember before that was A. Being asleep, and B. being a teenage girl who was a yank. Not some Harold something....
well that's part