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VICE-CNC's Journal
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Ep5 RYU,Cyber X,Mithos,Otaru Vs Dark Riot's Vice!
EP5 RYU, Cyber X, Mithos, Otaru, Vs Dark Riot's Vice!

RYU: Wow that V.R training was tough but we did it.

Cyber X: Yep i cant wait to see if we pass the test.

RYU: I'm sure we did. With your nice Ranger skill you showed out there. There's no way we wont pass.

Hunters Member Staff: Ryu Cyber X. Please come this way you both pass the hunters test with flying colors.

Cyber X: YES!!!

RYU: See told ya.

Hunters Member Staff: Ok The Hunters hall is this way The Rangers hall is on the right and Forces hall is on the left.

RYU: Guess im going this way.

Cyber X: Yep and guess i'm on the right. You take care Ryu.

RYU: Yeah X You too.

(Dark Riot's)

D.Mithos: I see my better half has already met up with Ryu. This could be a problem.

VICE: Let me go and take care of this problem sir. Ryu Must be stoped and i will kill him with my own hands.

D.Mithos: Aren't we peppy to day? But if you think you can handle it you can go. But take Ibuki with you.

VICE: I dont need that piece of junk with me. I can handle Ryu and Mithos Myself.

D.Mithos: Heh. Ibuki Come.

Ibuki: ..........

D.Mithos: Go with Vice and make sure both of you have kill them Understand?

VICE: I said i dont need her help.

D.Mithos: Are you disobeying my orders?

VICE: Hmm No sir.

D.Mithos: I want Ibuki to go so i can see what she can do. I raised you when you were little.
After Ryu killed your familly i took you in and trained you to be this best.
I know you want your revege but dont be over doing it.

VICE: Yes sir....

Ibuki: .......

D.Mithos: Now go. And try not to cause to much trouble. We dont want to let pionner 2 know we're back.

VICE: Yes sir.

Ibuki: .......

(Ryoka's Side)

Ryoka: Hmmm Ryu. I wonder how you been these pass five years?

Pionner Officer: Ms Ryuka? Ms Ryuka? MS!! RYOKA RYUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryoka: Ahh I'm sorry what is it?

Pionner Officer: Do you have that report ready yet? The commander would like it right away.

Ryoka: Yeah i got it here some where. Ah here it is.

Pionner Officer: Thank You.

Ryoka: Hmm This is sooo tiredsome. Maybe i should have became a Hunter/Ranger instead of an Officer?
Ah well. I guess i cant complain. Atleast i get a pay check instead of having to have to hunter for money or be a bounty hunter.
But Hunters do get rewarded and payed nicely.... All we get is a. Oh Good Job. Then a pat on the back. Keep Up The Good Work.
Well it's turning 5pm and my shift is done. I better get going. Hmm a nice hot bath will hit the spot when i get home.

(*Walk's to car*)

Ryoka: I miss you Ryu please comeback some day soon.

(*Drives Away*)

VICE: Hmm. That girl... She look's familler... Like i seen her before.

Ibuki: Should'nt we get back on track?

VICE: Shut Up!

Ibuki: ......

VICE: I'm gonna go find out who she was. You go do what you want but stay out off my way.

Ibuki: Didnt Mithos say...

VICE: Shut It! My memories are more to me right now then anything else. Riot Bike Come!

(*Get's On*)

VICE: If i were you i would enjoy the free time you have now.

Ibuki: ..... *Telepipe's Away*

VICE: Mithos isn't telling me something i can feel it... That girl who is she? I seen her in my dreams before.
we're kids playing together. but Ryu is there to... playing with us. What does this all mean?

Ryoka: This is my Song! (*Sing's with the music*) *I Feel My Acheing Heart*. *About To Break*. *I Feel The Wind That Blow's*. *In the Air And Peacefulness*.
*We're Standing Face To Face.* *Hand And Hand.*

VICE: Stop your singing and pull over now.

Ryoka: What? I cant hear you. Let my turn down the music... Ok now what is it?

VICE: I Said Pull Over!

Ryoka: Are you crazy? we're on a Fast Zone Area. I'm not stoping. And it's dangerous for us to be talking on this high way like this.

VICE: Hpmh. (*Jump's on car*)

Ryoka: Are you crazy!?

VICE: Hardly (*Punches Front Car Window*)

Ryoka: That's It! Computer Auto Control over the Wheel. (*Jump's On Top Of Car*)

VICE: Heh. I knew that would get you out of there.

Ryoka: My Baby! I just got this painted. And Your gonna pay for breaking my car window too.

VICE: Heh. If your mad let your fist doing the talking.

Ryoka: I'll do more then let my fist do the talking. RED HANDGUN!

VICE. Nice... Lavis Cannon! Haaa! (*Dashes*)

Ryoka: Haaaa! (*Shot's*)

VICE: Your Gonna have to do better then that. (*Punchs*)

Ryoka: Ahhh Damn..

VICE: If i had hit you with my blade you would have been dead long a go.

Ryoka: Grr EAT THIS! Charge Shot!

VICE: (*Dodge*) Woo Close one. Ok kid let's play. (*Jump on top of another car*)

Ryoka: Come back here! (*Jump's from car to car*)

VICE: My your good. better then i thougt. Ok Let's Do It.

Ryoka: Haaa (*Punch*) (*Kick*) (*Punch*)

VICE: (*Dodges*) (*Sweap Kick*)

Ryoka: Ah! (*Fall's on butt*)

VICE: I know that had to hurt. But i guess that Big a** of yours saved you.

Ryoka: Grrraww Shut Up!

VICE: You Know? You look good mad. Kinda sexy.

Ryoka: *Blush* Shut up! I dont Swing that way! (*Punch*)

VICE: (*Jump's on top of Bus*) Your gonna have to be faster then that.

Ryoka: (*Jump's on bus*) Stop running!

VICE: Hahaha

Ryoka: That It. Star Dream Kick!


Ryoka: Gottcha! (?) (!!!!!) Ahhhh!

VICE: (*Smile*) Hmmm.

Ryoka: You Sick'co! How Dear You!

VICE: Wow Your a** feel's nice and soft. I would love to have that thing against me anytime!

Ryoka: Grrr! (*Shot's*) I'll teach you for grabing people's butt!!! What are you some kind of crazy person?

VICE: (*Dodge*) Hahahaha. No i'm not crazy. I just love both men and women. Hahahaha.

Ryoka: Your some kind of Psyhco. And psyhco's like you need to be put away.

VICE: Hahahahaha. This my stop (*Jump's Off Bus*)

Ryoka: Get back here! (*Jump's off*)

VICE: (*In The Air Falling*) Well i see you cant get a enough of me.

Ryoka: (*In The Air Falling*) I never went through this much trouble catching someone. When i get you your going down big time!

VICE: Heh. (*Think's To Self*) I got her where i wont her. This is to easy. (*Land's Run's*)

Ryoka: (*Run's*) Calling for back up. I need back up now!

Pionner Officer: No can do Ms Ryuka. The commander want's you to pull back. Your causeing to much damge to the city.

Ryoka: What!? I said i need back up That's an Order! As your Lt. i give you an order. The commander is just gonna have to trust me on this one.

Pionner Officer: Yes ma'ma.

Ryoka: She's heading in the Central Park Aera. Bring as many men you can. and be careful she's dangerous. Ryoka out.

VICE: Hahahaha. You'll be down before your help comes.

Ryoka: Will see.

VICE: (Stop's And Sit's On Swing*) My My. Your a fast one.

Ryoka: This is the end of the line for you give your self up.

VICE: Fine im tired of this game anyway. I give up...

Ryoka: Really? See that wasnt so hard (*Get's Enegry Brace*) I may can drop the charges you cause on those city damges you made back there.
And i'll forget about you grabing my butt too...

VICE: Yeah... I'm Sorry... I'll go quitely.

Ryoka: n_n Great!

VICE: (*Kick's Swing At Her*)

Ryoka: Ahhh!

VICE: You Think im gonna let you lock me up? Please Your more dumber then i thought.

Ryoka: You! You! You!

VICE: Yeah i know. I'm a real b***h aint i? HAHAHAHA!.

Ryoka: (*Punch*)

VICE: (*Blocks*)

Ryoka: (*Round House Kick)

VICE: (*Grab's Leg And Swing Her A Round*) A round the World you go! (*Throw*)

Ryoka: AHhhhhhhh! (*Hit's The Jungle Gym*) Grraww!!! RED MechGuns!!! (*Shot's Repidly*).

VICE: (Run's) Lavis Cannon! Ok Play Time is over! (*Jump Slashes*)

Ryoka: (*Blocks Attack With Red MechGuns as Shiled*) Dream Power Kick!

VICE: Ahhh!!! (*Crashes Through A Tree*)

Ryoka: Phew.. (*Rub's for Head*) (*Put's Hat Back On*) I didnt wanna do that but you left me with no choice.
My Best Fighting Skill's are with my leg's and feet. My Punches may not hurt as much but my feet's are deadly....
I Hate hurting people. But im sure she's not dieing but just to make sure...
She look's ok.. Wait she look's like... no it cant be. (*Look's at Pendant Locket Picture*) It's Cant Be...
This. This. Is Ma...

VICE: (*Stab's*)

Ryoka: Gah!

VICE: (*Shot Foie To Blow Her Off The Sword*)

Ryoka: (Hit's The Ground)

VICE: You Know how i am? Tell me who i'am or i'm cuting your life short!

Ryoka: Dark Riot. They did this to you didnt they? You dont even remeber who i'am dont you?

VICE: (!) How do you know of us?

Ryoka: (*Smile's*) I missed you so much. It's Good to know your still alive Mass... (*Passes Out*)

VICE: (*Think's To Self*) Mass?. Wait! Wake Up! Wake Up Dammit! Tell me who's Mass? Wake up!

Pionner Officers: Freeze! Stay where you are! Your Surrounded!

VICE: Dammit. Hmm? This Pendant. It has a picture of a Purple haired Girl and a Blue haired Girl.

Pionner Officer: I said Freeze!

VICE: (*Look's At Ryoka*) (*Ryuker's Away*)

(Appears On Top A Building)

VICE: (*Look's At Picture*) Is that me? When i was younger?


Commander: Ryuka your Fired. You disobeyed Orders. You Destroyed have the Half the Central Park Area.
Plus the damge you made to the High Way. And almost getting your self killed.

Ryoka: But Sir I..

Commander: Ms Ryoka Ryuka, No But's have your Thing's clean out by then end of the day.

Ryoka: Yes sir...

Commader: I'm Sorry Ms Ryuka. But we cant have this kind of recklessness in this Pionner Police Department.
And Beside.. I know your a good officer and would'nt do these action normaly.
It must be a personnal problem why you did what you did.

Ryoka: Yes. It was sir. (*Walk's Out*)

(Later That Night)

VICE: My memories... Why cant i remember nothing of my past life?

Ibuki: ........

VICE: what are you doing here?

Ibuki: Nothing. Why do look up set?

VICE: None of your bussiness...

Ibuki: Mind if i ask you something?

VICE: What is now?

Ibuki: Why do you wanna Kill Ryu?

VICE: Cause he kill'ed my family.

Ibuki: Do you know for sure?

VICE: What do you mean? Of coures i know....

Ibuki: I know where Ryu is..

VICE: You Do? Where?

(The Next Day)

RYU: Man it's great to finally be known as hunter.

Aila: (Smile's) I'm Gonna start a great meal for you as congrants for passing the hunters test.

RYU: Aww Thnaks Aila.

Aila: I need to run to the store be right back.


Aila: Hi Mithos, Hi Otaru,

Mithos: Hi Aila. Wonder where She off to in a hurry? Yo Ryu!

RYU: Hey Mithos Otaru. How you guy's been?

Mithos: It's Been Great! and you?

RYU: I been ok.

Mithos: I see you became hunter now you can come with us to stop Dark Riot.

Cyber X: Ryu!

RYU: X! It's good to see you man.

Cyber X: You too.

RYU: Oh this Mithos and Otaru.

Cyber X: Nice To meet ya.

Mithos: Hi Nice to meet you.

Otaru: Hey There.

VICE: My My My. I see you guy's are all buddy buddy now. A shame. I was sent to kill Mithos And Ryu. But i guess i have to add 2 more on the list to kill.

Mithos: Who are you? And why a fine lovely lady like you would wanna kill someone like me?. Oh and those other guy's too.

Cyber X: Wow his an odd one...

RYU: Yep. like we dont even matter...

Otaru: To Mithos It's not like were even here.... See what i have to put up with...

VICE: Heh. It's nice you found me lovely... But i'm here to kill you. Ibuki Stay Out Of This Fight!. Understand?

RYU: Ibuki? (*Think To Self*) So that's the android Mist and Eve Built a few years a go.
Your From D.R Aren't You!? Where's Mass!

VICE: (!) (*Think's To Self*) Mass?. Enough! Out of you! You killed my familly as for that i'll kill you and take your heart out as a reminder of my revege.
Come! I'll take on all of you. Your Friends will Die by my hand's. And Mithos.

Mithos: ?

VICE: I'll let you life.

Mithos: Aww well that's sweet of you.

VICE: So i can bring you back to the base. I'm Sure My Master Would love kill you him self.

Mithos: Great...

Otaru: And what makes you think you can handle all 4 of us alone?

VICE: Heh. Why Dont You Come And Find Out.

Otaru: Galdly. Steel Cutlass!


Cyber X: Cyber Shot!

Mithos: Angel Sword!


VICE: Hahahahaha. Yes! Come! Meet Your Doom! Lavis Cannon! HAhahahaha. Lavis Wave!

Ibuki: (*Watching The Battle*) (*Think's To Self*) This isn't right... This isn't right at all.

Has the battle take place who will win? RYU and his friends or Vice with powers unknown.

Ep6 Ibuki, Knowing Ones Heart.

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GM LeonMagnus
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun May 01, 2005 @ 04:08am
good this is alot better keep it up the great work n.n

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