This list is meant for FUN. It's not meant to bash other people. If you have a problem with anything on this list, get a sense of humor. There isn't any cursing or racist remarks. If I change your statement, sorry, but no one could understand it. If you don't agree with something, that's just too bad for you.
1. You find it ironic that Clements is on Elkins Drive, and Elkins isn't.
2. You REALLY wish they would patch up some of the potholes on Oilfield, they're ruining the underside of your car.
3. You like to blast your stereo and drive down Oilfield going 70 mph after school lets out.
4. You think it's pointless to pay $30 for a parking permit when you can just park on the street.
5. The only time you go to the library is when the entire class goes or you forgot to print something out.
6. Most of the students drive some sort of pick-up truck...
7. And the ones who don't drive a BMW, Mercedes, or Escalade
8. You've named all of the FFA cows.
9. You say hello to them every morning when you drive past.
10. You think that Quail Valley is the ghetto.
11. You've never been to the ghetto, but you're thoroughly convinced that it must look like Quail Valley does.
12. You eat either Southern Maid or Chik-fil-a almost every morning for breakfast.
13. You hate Ms. Bickerstaff.
14. You don't understand why Ms. Bickerstaff hasn't been locked in a mental institution yet.
15. You purposely took speech online so that you could avoid getting her.
16. You participated in Formal Wednesday.
17. You think that Ms. Han is the spawn of the devil.
18. Ms. Han screwed up your GPA for the rest of high school.
19. You think it's hillarious when Ms. Barghava says "p***s".
20. You think it's hillarious whenever Ms. Barghava talks.
21. You've heard Ms. Bradley say "Y'all understand?" at least 2934955 times.
22. You're a senior and you've only been inside the library twice.
23. The math hallway is warm, so you know the airconditioning is out again.
24. The drumline is your favorite part of football games.
25. You can't figure out why, even with Bruce Matthews helping coach, our football team isn't any better.
26. You constantly wonder why there are picnic tables on the patio but you cant eat out there.
27. You think that Ms. Thompson is really strange, yet you can't help but feel sorry for her.
28. You think Ms. Gomillion's name sounds like it should be a pokemon.
29. You've seen Ms. Hanley work a Calc problem wrong and then try and justify why her wrong answer is correct.
30. You've seen Mr. Gloster dance in a shiny red shirt...more than once.
31. You are convinced that Ms. Whitaker and Ms. Caroll are Nazis.
32. You think that Mrs. Remmert (Bradburry) is the finest MILF you've ever seen.
33. You'll pay $3 for a single Chick-Fil-A sandwich, even though its shriveled and cold.
34. You'll pay $1.25 for a microscopic peice of Papa Johns.
35. You LOVE sleeping in on Tuesdays.
36. You know who's House it is.
37. You've seen it rain in the foreign language/photojournalism hall.
38. You remember the days when Mr. Hershey would say "RUN! STOP AND DO PUSHUPS! GET UP & RUN! STOP! DO JUMPING JACKS! STOP! RUN!...OKAY GET BACK TO THE FIRST SET!!" during marching band practice.
39. You cringe and wail loudly when you hear anyone say "It's a great day to be a knight!" and you pay them not to repeat the cheesy phrase to anyone else EVER!
40. The administration threatens to take away prom and suspends people for wearing crazy clothes on senior skip day, just because they didn't plan it.
41. You never know which Mr. Clark people are talking about. The choir teacher or the spanish teacher?
42. You wonder if they are ever going to finish fixing the air conditioning and you've prayed about it.
43. You wear 5 layers everyday because you never know if the air conditioning will be working, and it'll be freezing, or if it's broken, and you'll have to strip down to a tank top.
44. You like the gold hallway better than the blue hallway.
45. You laugh at the people who waste their time trying to go up the center staircases while using the unpopulated side ones.
46. You've never actually seen your counsulor, but you've heard they're nice.
47. You think not being able to have purses during TAKS is the dumbest rule ever.
48. You think it's weird that they keep changing the color of the waistband on the letter jackets.
49. You think less of someone when they wear their older-brother-who-graduated-6-years-ago's letter jacket, and laugh because they don't have their own.
50. You've had to move your car more than one time so that the band and elite could practice on the parking lot.
51. You pay more attention to Ms. Thompson's missing part of her finger on the overhead more than the actual math lesson.
52. Youve heard Mr. Hinote say "Ask yourself, self..." more than a few times.
53. Youve heard Mr. Hinote say " SHUT THE F...RONT DOOR!"
54. You're now afraid to go to Dennys after you heard that there was a shooting while the swim team was there.
55. You're not on the swim team, but you wish you were because it seems like they have more fun than anyone else.
56. You work at either Panera Bread, Chik-fil-a, or Johnny Carinos.
57. You've seen at least one fender-bender every week in the parking lot after school.
58. It always seems to be the cheerleaders who get in car accidents.
59. You sprint out of your 7th period class to get to your car so that you dont get caught in 30 minutes of traffic trying to get out of the parking lot.
60. You've always wanted to, but never been inside Ms. Ellington's "Fun-Zone".
61. You'll never dare attempt a bosom hang for fear that Ms. Ellington will kill you.
62. You live for Ms. Ellington's edicate tips.
63. Mr. Hinote has called you a "Moe-Ran" on more than one occasion.
64. Even though it sounded so easy, you never got a pie.
65. You hate freshman now more than ever before in your life.
66. You sometimes ask yourself whether the freshman get more stupid or you get more mature each year.
67. You know that even though Ms. Rey speaks over 10 languages, she speaks none of them well.
68. You took notice when Ms. Rey suddenly came back after spring break with bigger boobs, and told all of your friends.
69. You've gotten use to the occasional dead animal carcass on the way to school.
70. You've made up more jokes about Mr. Gloster than you can count.
71. The administration decides to reschedule the powderpuff game for DURING the second period final exam, so that only people who are exempt can play and practically no one can come to watch.
72. You wonder what's up with Mrs Bradley's fingers and why she waddles, but you don't dare ask.
73. You took Theatre I just to chill on the patio.
74. You think it's insane that they won't let us get drinks from the coke machines until the end of the year, no one's gonna be able to drink the drinks in there until next year.
75. You remember when the WHOLE football team got staph a couple years ago.
76. You know our softball OWNS.
77. You despised having to make 928353906 maps in World Geography your Freshman year.
78. You laugh at the announcements because the announcers always emphasize their words way too much.
79. You aren't sure why they even have announcements, because everyone always talks during them anyways.
80. You know that the Dasani wattle-bottle wrappers make AMAZING (and sharp) darts.
81. You've seen a new band director nearly ever year.
82. You hate every aspect of the administrators running the school.... except Mr. Gloster.
83. You shudder every time Mrs. Bradley wears her see-through shirt.
84. You've tried to convince your 7th period teacher that you need to go move your car after Ms. Carroll complains about the cars on the bus ramp, only to get out of class.
85. You have an entire drawer full of blue and yellow shirts.
86. You had straight A's until you took Algebra II
87. You flip the bird every time you drive past Dulles [and Clements]!
88. You've noticed Mr.Gloster's son plays every sport but isn't good at any of them.
89. You think Ms. Noel is clearly the wierdest lady on this planet.
90. You expect spit in your food every time you go to Taco C if your wearing royal blue.
91. You're failing math, and you like to blame it on the temperature of the room.
92. You go to 6th period sick because you ate the chicken fried steak at lunch.
93. You wonder what the qualifications are for being a security gaurd, because that guy is crazy!
94. You wonder how Officer Perry is supposed to stop kids from doing drugs, when he's always stoned himself.
95. Every other school is scared to go to Taco C on the weekends.
96. You have been to P&A, Valu, or Toyo's at least once
97. KTom is no longer someone's nickname, it's a pose that you have found yourself doing in half of your pictures
98. You've become really good at trucking through the idiots that stand in the middle of the hallway.
99. You know its best if you dont make eye contact with Ms. Bradley.
100. You've seen the picture of "Lawrence E. Elkins" hanging by the front office, and you've had nightmares about him.
101. Everyone knows that Dulles is Elkins' b***h.
102. You know that the ROTC guy outside the lunch lines is the coolest guy ever.
103. At least 3 stalls in every girls bathroom has no lock.
104. There are mice everywhere, especially in the band hall.
105. We own Taco Cabana.
106. You know Ms. Alexopolous' favorite phrases "that's right baby", "n-no", and "life is hard" better than the books you're supposed to read for her class.
107. You can't understand how Doctor Burke use to teach college classes.
108. You think its pathetic that the principals are giving out "chips" at lunch for the students that are "good".
109. For some reason you wonder why when the drug dog is at school why most of your class isn't.
110. You want to kill the group of kids that walk in front of you on the way to the field house in the morning, they KNOW you wont run over them.
111. There are always gang signs drawn on your desks.
112. Someone is always fighting outside on the patio.
113. You have gone shopping in Mrs. Ellington's room.
114. You think it's stupid that homecomming tickets sold out, and the freshmen still tried to buy them before the upperclassmen.
115. You always fall asleep in Mr.Mathews' class.
116. You are still confused as to how Ms. Bickerstaff aquired an award for teaching, when she's clearly the craziest lady on the planet.
117. If you're a freshman, you think Knight Life is a waste of time, and if you're an upperclassmen, you're SO glad you didn't have to take it.
118. You only go to the breakfast line for cookies.
119. You always play Quake, Halo, or find a way to get on myspace when you have access to a school computer.
120. You remember freshman year and the whole dancing with the class, for Romeo and Juliet.
121. You wonder if there are actually people that are in the ping-pong, chess, and fishing clubs.
122. You have heard Mr. Thomas' s "Blonde Jokes", making fun of other students, and random facts.
123. You ask a short, simple to answer, question in ROTC and you drown when you realize that Maj. Franco is about to go off and take up 3/4 of the class time to explain.
124. When, no matter how hungry you are, you are willing to throw your lunch at the woman in charge of the microphone.
125. When you offer the parking lot monitor some french fries if he lets you out of the parking lot for lunch.
126. You offer Mr. Lowe food to let you switch into a class because your friends are in it.
127. You've witnessed Mr. Pye try to explain a supply/demand graph by singing "to the left".
128. You've been to Mrs. Ellington's neon lighted house and got a coke from her oldschool machine.
129. You wonder why Ms. Carol gives more shout-outs during lunch than 97.9 The Box does.
130. You wonder what the hell CAEP stands for and are confused by what they do all day, but you're too scared to go in there.
131. You've gotten used to the fact that Coach Bloodworth leaves the room to talk on the phone.
132. It's perfectly ok for you to go to another school's party, but they wouldnt dare come to an Elkins one.
133. It's customary that when you pull into the student parking lot, you drive right in between the first speed bump.
134. One of your prinicpals is the nation's number one ballroom dancer.
135. The sandwich lady combines her words, and all you can make out is " musaamayonnaise".
136. You haven't learned a single thing in Mrs. Caplan's AP class except all about the "fascination with the abomination" in colonial Africa.
137. You've complained about how much you hate Elkins for the past 4 years, but now that you're graduating, you're not ready to go.
138. The principals make you practice walking in a circle for graduation.
139. You get a hideous red yearbook even though the schools colors are blue and gold.
140. All the officers and members of the Spanish Honor Society are Indian.
141. Your senior memory book made you finally realise how expensive scrapbooking really is.
142. You've seen Ms. Thompson answer her phone and yell at Blockbuster in the middle of class at least once a week.
143. You've heard Mrs. Bradley talk about her contractions.
144. You have heard Ms. Thompson sing "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" everyday, when she has never even watched Mr. Rogers before .
145. You have heard Ms. Thompson say "Gentlemen" at least a hundred times.
146. You've heard Ms. Thompson cuss out her son, talk about needing strippers (in refrence to furniture?) and her preference in gay dog groomers.....
147. You have heard Coach Colbert say "commense commensing" about a thousand times.
148. You've seen the entire band pelvic thrust simultaniously.

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