Amelia led them, through what felt like throughout, the dojo. They were in farthest corner of the left wing, two rooms with the fire insignia were next to each other, then opposing there's was the twins. The other girls must have been in the other wing.
“Here we are” announced Amelia pointing to the two doors” Selene, your is on the left, Trai the right. I hope they cater to your needs. Breakfast will be served at seven for tomorrow only, I'll knock for you at six fifty and lead you down there. But now I must tend to other duties, rest well”.
Then she left. Leaving them to tend for themselves. And for the first time since they arrived Trai turned around to talk directly to her.
“Are you sure you want to stay by yourself? I mean you can stay in your room by day, but you can sleep in mine at night, if you want” When did he become so mothering ?
She nodded slightly” It sounds like a plan, but for now. I'm going outside. I can't sleep, I'm exhausted. But I need to practice”.
Trai shook his head slightly in disbelief” You've been pushed to your limit today, at least just take a nap and eat. Practice when you have the energy to do so. Selene, don't just think with instinct, think with your head too”.
Sighing, knowing he was right she slide past him wearily and entered his room. It was full of vibrant colors, the bed was a king sized bed with maroon and crimson sheets, it had a shag carpeting of the deepest crimson, the insignia hung above the fire place. In the corner opposite the door there was a writing desk with a chair which was stood next another door. Selene opened it and it opened into a closet, obviously this was to store clothing but there was another panel, it seemed thinner than everywhere else in the room. She walked forward, knelt down on one knee and tapped it lightly. There was a hissing sound and the panel violently shot up behind the next panel and a mould sprung forward. Weapons and potion storage, genius.
Selene stood up and stepped back, the panel automatically slotted back into place, she smirked to her self at the simplicity. She looked to her right and saw another door, this one must have been for the bathroom. Brilliant. Maybe now she get rid of that lava/ash scent that had been following her around all day.
Trai stood outside of the his wondering what had come over him, why had he become so nurturing all of a sudden? And why was he so concerned with Selene's welfare, she could pretty much look after herself. The gush of emotion had left him dizzy and unable to think straight, he closed his eyes and lent against the doorway, fingers tapping rhythmically along with his deep breathing. This was interrupted by a sharp pang in the side of his head. Some one was trying to delve into his mind, rummaging around, sifting through his memories. He looked up sharply, seeing the twins, they smiled brightly at him. Raising there hands at him simultaneously. He shook his hair out of his eyes and stared intently at them. He knew it was them, he needed to learn on how to raise his minds defensive barriers.
Trai walked into his room and yelled to Selene” I'm going outside if you need me”.
She grumbled something and he took that as an acknowledgment. He walked out, semi locking the door. He turned sharply and stared at the doors of the twins, he didn't trust them. Trai walked through the dojo, towards the main doors, where he met the human, Asima. She was stood there cheerily, and waved to Trai.
“Hello, I am very pleased to meet you. Amelia did not give me a proper chance to introduce myself earlier. I know you do not approve of me being here and you probably think that my appearance reflects my battle skills, but I assure you this is not the case” Explained Asima, fondling the hilt, her big fluttering eyes pinned on him.
He seemed stunned, could everyone read his mind in this place?” Sorry about that, Is there any where around I could meditate?”
“Sure, there is a sauna, I'm sure you can get some peace there. It's around the back of the dojo, don't worry there is towels there. I guess I'll see you later, Amelia wanted to talk to me about something or other”.
She placed a hand on his shoulder, smiled and left, walking in the opposite direction.
Right, sauna. Yeah that'll do, thought Trai, heat and water. Perfect. When he arrived at the wooden structure he found a rack with a towel on and behind that was the mini changing room where he removed his clothes and placed on the towel tying it tightly around his hips.
He quickly hopped across the cold concrete that connected him to sauna room, he opened the door and so began an hour of ultimate relaxation.
“Ahh” moaned Selene, now completely relaxed and rejuvenated. She crashed backwards and with a bounce fell back onto Trai's bed, quite prepared to fall asleep, even in her towel.
She rolled onto her side tucking her hands in and underneath her head. Eyelids fluttered as she dropped off, things became patchy, and black. The next thing she knew was that the door was opening, must have been Trai back from his wander, or not.
“Hello?” Someone said hypnotically.
She sat bolt up right, her eyes widening, spotting one of the twins, she couldn't remember which one. She looked down at her self, in a towel, she hunched it up and tried to cover up as much of herself as possible. Didn't he feel the embarrassment? She did, Selene could feel her cheeks heating up as his eye's lazily scoured her body.
“I just thought I'd come in and formally introduce myself, but I guess I caught you at a bad time” Spoke the twin in monotone, then the voice changed and became silkier like tendrils were coming out of his mouth reaching into her brain and rummaging round for control” I hope you don't mind though”.
She spaced out, as if not her self and morbidly obliged” Of course, come and sit. But you must go soon, Trai will return”.
He grinned at her and a took a seat in the wooden chair opposite the bed, while she re sat back on the bed.
“To get the formalities out of the way I'm Caedence, my brother, with the mole is Toem and your the female, Selene. Daughter of elder Rosin, am I correct?”.
“Absolutely” She heard herself reply” And it's an honor to meet you Caedence”.
He stood up from his seat and knelt in front of her taking her hand, respectfully kissing it near her knuckles. Then he swiftly stood back up, suggesting “Before we continue our chat I think it would be wise you change. I somehow doubt your partner would see my point of view if he walked in”.
She nodded briefly, and excused herself to go and change. Selene walked into the bathroom and dropped the towel looking for her clothes. A few minutes later she was fully clothed , and preparing herself to re-join Caedence in the other room when she felt him creep up behind her. He was very tall, taller then Trai. Possibly 6'5. He towered over her making her 5'11 look minuscule.
“Oh, um, hi. I was just coming back in there, don't you think we should go and sit down?” She was becoming extremely cautious, this guy was weird.
“No, right here is good don't you think?” He replied with a sugar coated voice.
She felt herself answering to him yet again” If you say so”.
“Great” He smiled as he placed his hands on either side of her forehead. She lent back falling against his chest, eye's fluttering wildly, hands flinching as reflexes went on red alert. Her legs collapsed as he sent immbolizing psychic tendrils into her mind.
Selene fell to the floor, she was so weak, and she couldn't move a muscle. What was this psychopath trying to do to her? Why had mental defenses suddenly gone lax. He must have opened all doors within his own mind, Caedence was unbelievably powerful.
She whimpered in disillusion as he towered over the top of her then straddled her offensively.
“Don't worry sweetie, it'll be over before you know it, and better yet you won't remember it. Everyone has to be initiated to make sure they aren't the enemy. Mind you, the human girl, she tasted so sweet, so innocent” He tried to assure her as he bend forward, pressing lips against hers slipping his own tongue slyly into her pursed mouth. She tried to ebb away, it made her feel sick, she could feel the bile building up in her stomach. There was no chance of moving away; she just couldn't.
“Ooh, so many secrets, will you ever tell him?” Was the last thing she heard before giving in to his whim.
Trai had utterly relaxed, he was lying sprawled out on the bed-like bench in the sauna room. The heat had lightened his mood and his paranoia. The room was still. The room was almost silent.
Trai felt the hot air gush out the room to be replaced with the forgein cold air. He sat up robustly, looking at who was entering through the doorway. He rubbed the sweat from his face and looked again, it was one of those twins. Great, the peace was now in pieces.
“Hi there” Chirped the twin, what was he so happy about? Trai's paranoia now rose about ten notches.
Trai stared stone faced as the boy sat down next to him.
“You seem a little tense there, want me to sort it out for you?” Giggled the boy behind his dark hair.
Trai wanted to say no, on his life he wanted to say no. But he couldn't, his mouth betrayed him, and replied yes. He didn't want that boy anywhere near him never mind his hands groping his tense muscles. Not only that as the boy ordered him ever so delightfully to move forward, he obeyed. Trai mentally sighed, now even his body was giving in.
“I almost forgot I'm Toem, you'll recognize me by the mole” He spoke with elation.
Toem shifted around the back of Trai and rested on his knees. Trai shivered, this was to intimate for his liking. His hands rhythmically rubbed on Trai's back, it was surprisingly relaxing and Toem's hand's were unbelievably soft and light. He moved his hands up and worked on Trai's shoulders, thumb's massaging on the bone. He moved his hands around his neck and down his torso, mumbling something what seemed incoherent. It made Trai extremely alert and uncomfortable but he found that when he came to move that he was unable to, it was like Ice had creeped and cascaded up his frame, suppressing him to that one spot. Trai charged up his breath, the clicking in his throat notifying him it had sparked. He blew hard but nothing came out.
Toem chuckled slightly, he loved see them struggle. He lent over Trai, his palms resting on Trai's thighs. He rested his head against Trai's before taking his hands off his lap and standing up in front of the representative. He too, like his twin, was very tall, and very lanky, and even with Trai's height Toem was a couple inches taller.
He rested his hands behind his back and then leveled his head to Trai's “ You worry so much warrior, have you ever thought about chilling out? Becoming a teenager once in a while, perhaps being a bit more, adventurous?” The last word parted from his lips ever so flirtatiously.
Trai's eye's widened in fear as the black haired boy closed his eye's to taste his neck. A funny sensation buzzed through Trai. He needed Selene, he needed her to rescue him, when would this torture end? Toem licked and suckled on his supple flesh as if it were a preparation. With the little movement he was allowed Trai closed his eye's and pursed his lips tightly. As wrong as it was he could feel a moan stirring in his throat, ready to erupt but he refused to give this clan boy the satisfaction.
Toem bit down it was all very vampiric, but it wasn't blood he was extracting, it was Trai's very essence. Scene's replayed in his head, his past, feelings, and thoughts. Toem mostly picked out on hurt, love, lust, and rather violent blood lust but also a strong protective side, when would he realize that?
He stepped back on his pretty victim staring at him as a slight moan parted his exhausted lips, sweat dripped from his indecisive eye's. Toem could see this one desperately clung on to consciousness, but it gripped him tightly, he wouldn't last long. The soon the better, he could wipe his memory and place him back in his room. Pity. He would much rather have up the mind control and had him for an extra five or so minutes, he doubt Amelia would have been to pleased though.
The paralysis faded once he feel asleep, how pretty he was. Now he could take him back and report to Amelia.