Dumb Brother's Freinds..
sad it's 9:30 in the morning and my brother hs all his gay little man friends over to the house..all thy'e doing is harassing me and being loud and obnoxious, and burping in my face, and making me want to cheerfully beat them all to death (except for my brother, i wuv my brother ^.^..kinda) augh...the least they could do was stay OUTTA MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but noo....they're just kinbda everywhere... the were raiding my closet 15 minutes ago..!! they keep throwing chips and salsa at me...a chip got in my eyes and salsa landed on my WHITE shirt...ahh..it'll never come out. they make me so mad. sometimes i wish i actually could beat them all to death. normally im not really this violent..unless im mad..or want to be left alone. it just so happpens that im experiencing BOTH feelings right now..so, why not write about them..? anyways..i'd rather do this than actually hurt them, cuz then i'd get in trouble. not that i really care..but i dont like making my parents upset.. (ima sissy really) 3nodding ahh..time to venture downstair to where the MAJORITY of the perverted drunkards are..*sigh* woe is me..(i need my sparkling grape juice! nyaha!)