“Class, this is your new student-” The women paused to take out a pice of paper from one of her pockets and read it. then started talking again. “-Jordan Whitewolf.” She walked over to a teacher in front of a chalk board (Not to mention that was dirty to.)
“I understand.” The male teacher at the chalkboard said.
The grouchy Women then passed by Jordan closing the door behind her. But Jordan just stud there eyes moving from one student to the next. All of there eyes were on her, not looking away for a moment till the teacher started talking.
“Jo-Jordan! Why don’t you come up here where everyone can see you?” The man smiled warmly while saying this. Jordan walked up to the chalk board trembling. It must have been years sense she last went to school, or interacted with anyone else than her mother Clara.
“Class why don’t you all say hi to our new student Jordan Whitewolf!” He announced.
“Hello Jordan” The class said in synchronized words.
“Jordan, I’m mr.Thornton” The teacher said.
“He-Hello...” Jordan made out in a shy nervous voice.
Then mr.Thornton walked over to the grey drywall where stacks of chair desks pilled. He then took one from the pill and put in the back of the class.
“You can sit there if thats fine with you.” mr.Thornton said.
“That will be fine thanks.” Jordan smiled. She actually smiled... It was a real smile, not the kind of fake ones she would put on for her mother, but one that was natural and true. Jordan took to her seat and put some blank page books on it. though it was small, no bigger than a welcome mat you put at your front door, it seemed perfect in its own way.
“I just might like it here...” Jordan told herself.
Chapter Three: The Unwelcome note
Jordan listened while mr.thornton talked to the class about physics. One her right, she sat next to a tall girl with long blond hair, she seemed to be writing everything the teacher was saying. On her left, a semi short boy with dark skin and black hair sat. He was passing notes with the boy in front of him. And in front of her was small girl holding a black book to her chest.
“I can’t hear.” The girl said. Jordan’s eyes opened at this.
“Are you talking to me?” Jordan whispered.
“Yeah... what is he saying? Why is it so dark? Help me!” the girl started screaming in terror.
“Are you alright?!?” Jordan said. “Mr.Thornton There’s something wrong with...-” Jordan turned to the girl. “What’s your name?”
“Min” The girl said trying not to scream when she said it.
“something wrong with Min!!!” Jordan announced to the class.
“Min?” the teacher asked. “I am sorry we don’t have any students that go by that name. Mr.thornton didn’t seem to notice she was screaming her head of.
“SHE IN SITING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!” Jordan yelled in reply. Mr.thornton was quiet now. What was going on? There was no girl in front of jordan. What was she talking about?
“I’m sorry Jordan, you can sit in the of the room for the rest of the day.
“B-But she needs help!!!” Jordan turned back to the girl but she was gone.
“Gone... “ Jordan thought. What was happening? Was she hallucinating? This could not be happening. Was this the same thing that had happened that morning. And if so, why couldn’t anyone see the girl. As twilight befell the sky, a rusty bell rang outside the door and all the students jumped from there seats haling them-self’s threw the tin hinge door. Mr.thornton then walked over to Jordan, pulling out a wooden (not to mention chipped and it had writing all over it) chair and sat on it next to her.
“Jordan,” He started. “why did you tell the class you saw a girl?” He seemed worried. Maybe because he did not want to teach a mental student or maybe because he thought she needed a doctor.
“You mean Min?” Jordan said. “She was there... I swear she was!” Jordan was over dramatic then. Mr.Thornton did not say anything, then took a deep breath and exhaled.
“I used to have a student-” He started. “It was about 12 years ago... But she’s dead.” he said this in a way anyone even the coldest of people could feel bad. He then looked over his shoulder like he was watching something, or someone.
To be continued...