cheese & wine
want some cheese w/ that wine? cheese_whine "i would!!!" "ok!" every1 likes cheese. i dont no if every1 likes wine but i no it rox!!!! it looks kool on the rox accually!!! -rox- how about wen u hav 2 much wine and u get pulled over? wahmbulance wahmbulance wahmbulance that would stink havin the cope yellin @ u. scream and ur like oooooops!! sweatdrop they give u a ticket and ur like redface crying gonk "how am i gonna explain this 2 my wife/husband?" then u get home and s/he's like evil stressed . ur like sad . u feel like hiding!!!! how did we get 2 talking about tickets again? oh rite. wine. so who doesnt like cheese rite? exept 4 u lactosintolerant ppl. but i hav a friend whos lac-toes-intolerant and she likes cheese. (i think....) well anyway... thats it.