• My thoughts
    They are sacred
    They are my own

    My dreams
    In Pandora's box
    They are locked tightly

    My secrets
    They are hidden
    Never wanting to see the light of day

    My body
    It holds inside much
    My essence

    My soul
    It is free
    It is forever

    My will
    As hard as dimonds
    An unbreakable shield

    Yet as much as i dispise it so
    Things will change,
    And i am unable to keep what is mine

    My thoughts
    Shared then stolen

    My dreams
    Set free, never found

    My secrets
    Told, never kept

    My body
    Bruised and broken

    My soul
    Dissipers, no more

    My will
    The precious stone breaks
    The shield shatters

    I am left with nothing more

    It seems a cruel that world we live in
    Even the smallest object is not kept

    We are run over be unfair jugement
    We are slapped by words and lies

    Not one is trueful
    All we do is hide

    Each wears a false mask
    and behind it is fear

    Fear of change
    Fear of trust
    Fear of love
    Fear of lust

    But these fears can be broken
    It takes only one
    One voice
    One's choice
    One's power
    One's share
    Only one has to care

    Then it grows
    It will overflow
    From tens
    to hundreds
    to thousands
    to millons

    The mask will be torn
    Never again worn

    We will be free
    Hopes is on the scene
    So is pride and joy

    We now yell and shout
    We are free

    Free from the chains of regret
    Free from the binding of guilt

    No more drowning in 'what if?'
    No more choking on might or maybes

    We are free
    We fought back
    We are free
    We had the strength

    But really, I'm only talking

    That voice has not been heard
    And why?
    Because pleas fall on deaf ears

    For now we only wait
    That mask is still in place
    One day that voice will come
    And along with it
    These small objects that seem only needed to us

    Oh how nice it will be to be free
    To be free
    To be free