• Akatsuki chat room

    Episode 1. Newcomer

    CrimsonRain has signed in.

    Sexpuppet has signed in.

    IloveWaffles! has signed in.

    easilypleased has signed in.

    Idon'thaveperiods! has signed in.

    IamGod! has signed in.

    CrimsonRain: Hey Kisa, we still on for tonight?

    IloveWaffles!: Yup! Have you heard there's a new member?

    CrimsonRain: No I didn't…. Is it another female?

    IloveWaffles!: Yup… Pretty girl too!

    CrimsonRain: (Twitches)

    Ilovewaffles!: Sorry…

    IamGod: Her name is Alice. She's about 16-18.

    Sexpuppet: Coo! Coo!

    Idon'thaveperiods!: Hes still making owl sounds?

    Easilypleased: Ever since Naruta left he went insane!

    Idon'thaveperiods: You don't think I don't know that!

    CrimsonRain: So Pein is this just another plan to lure in a jinjuriki?

    IamGod!: You bet it is!

    Ilovewaffles: (sigh) we do this all the time! The plan always fails! And I always get the s**t beat out of me!

    Easilypleased: And your point is?

    Sexpuppet: Ruff! Ruff!

    IamGod!: Im glad Sasori does that! Now we know when someones here!

    On Pein's computer

    Whitefox has asked to join your chat room.

    Whitefox has asked to be your friend.

    You have accepted Whitefox to join your chat room.

    You have accepted Whitefox as your friend.

    Episode 2

    Back in the chat room

    Whitefox has joined the chat room.

    CrimsonRain: Whitefox… That sounds familiar.


    IloveWaffles!: Do you talk at all?

    Whitefox: No….

    Everyone: O.o? Wtf!

    Easilypleased: So Whitefox… What's your body type?

    Whitefox: Foxy….

    Sasori: (Laughing hysterically)

    Whitefox: What?

    IloveWaffles!: Do you like using perfect grammer?

    Whitefox:….. Yesssss….

    CrimsonRain:…. Okaaaayy… What's your name?

    Whitefox: Alice Kiyo.

    CrimsonRain has signed off.

    IloveWaffles!: Whoa! She scared Itachi!

    Whitefox: Did you just say Itachi?

    Idon'thaveperiods!: Yeh Itachi Uchiha what about him?

    Whitefox: (Large amounts of profanities.)

    Everyone: O.o Okay then!

    Whitefox: I need to leave so I can "cool off".

    Whitefox has signed off

    IloveWaffles: I didn't know she had such a colorful vocabulary! I gotta find out what happened!

    Everyone signs off

    Episode 3

    IloveWaffles! Has signed in

    Sexpuppet has signed in

    IamGod has signed in

    Easilypleased has signed in

    Idon'thaveperiods! has signed in

    I'mnotObito! Has signed in

    Sexpuppet: So what was it about?

    IloveWaffles!: Well from what I caught Itachi met some guy that was bi and super hot and Itachi didn't know that Alice had a relationship with him and he also stole one of Alice's necklaces which happened to be Alice's family heir but also Itachi's birthstone so he gave it to Itachi and Alice saw Itachi with her necklace she beat the living s**t out of Itachi and verbally abused him.

    Everyone: O.o Holy s**t!

    I'mnotObito!: Dang! I thought she was related to Itachi!

    Idon'thaveperiods!: She's got more rage than I do! And a worse mouth!

    Easilypleased: Well that's Itachi's side… What about Alice?

    IamGod: I'll talk to her!

    Easilypleased: Hell no you're not! Chance is you'll ******** her!

    IamGod: wink

    Sexpuppet: I'll talk to her…

    Everyone signs off.

    Episode 4

    Whitefox has signed on

    Sexpuppet has signed on

    Toosexyformyshirt has signed on

    Ilied21times(andcounting) has signed on

    Idon'thaveperiods! has signed on

    I'mnotObito! has signed on

    Ihaveapaperfloweronmyhead has signed on

    IloveWaffles! Has signed on

    IamGod! has signed on

    Easilypleased has signed on

    Maneater has signed on

    Sexualmoneysensation has signed on

    Whitefox: Kisame you little liar! What's wrong with you!

    IloveWaffles!: I'm sorry'! I wanted to make the story interesting!

    Maneater: So what really happened?

    Whitefox: He killed my family!

    I'mnotObito!: Oh well that's not shocking!

    Whitefox: Why?

    I'mnotObito!: Because he kills everyone's family!

    Everyone(but Whitefox): It's true!

    Whitefox:….. Shut up!

    Ihaveapaperfloweronmyhead: He killed mine last week!

    Whitefox: O.o OOOOOkkkkk

    Toosexyformyshirt: Hey there Alice! How are you? I've missed you!

    Whitefox: ?

    Toosexyformyshirt: you don't remember me?

    Whitefox: No.

    Toosexyformyshirt has signed off

    Ilied21times(andcounting!): You made Kakashi cry!

    Whitefox:… Oh well!

    Snowangel has signed on

    Livingdeadgirl has signed on

    Snowangel: Sasori-donna!

    Sexpuppet: I have no idea who you are!

    Snowangel: What! T.T

    Livingdeadgirl: Hey guys!

    Everyone(but snowangel and Whitefox): Hey Yuki!

    IlooklikeChunLee has signed on

    IlooklikeChunLee: sjkdljslafuioeajfjdkfjklsdjkl jkdlsjfhhfdhgfj; k he hjkhsjkv haschklh ;shcljnsaufoen;asvn hfdhhsklfhklxm,vhm,xnhvjkhsdhyaioyue; hjlv;nacnech;hdvmxbcv,znhjf;ofui;OHJ

    IlooklikeChunLee has signed off

    Everyone: WTF!

    Everyone hears heavy breathing that sounds really creepy.

    Maneater: whoa I'm off!

    IloveWaffles: me too!

    Everyone signs off

    Episode 5

    Whitefox has signed in

    I'mnotObito! has signed in

    IloveWaffles has signed in

    Sexpuppet has signed in

    IamGod! has signed in

    CrimsonRain has signed in

    Silverlight13 has signed in

    Livingdeadgirl has signed in

    Snowangel has signed in

    Easilypleased has signed in

    Whitefox: Okay everyone we found out what was making the breathing noises!

    IloveWaffles: Good! What was it?

    I'mnotObito!: Yeah Tobi wants to know what that noise was!

    CrimsonRain: Hurry up and tell us!

    IamGod: Would everyone shut up so Alice can speak?

    Whitefox: Thank you Pein-sama! Ahem! The noise was made, by Gaara. He was messing with us with his new microphone.

    Livingdeadgirl: You can use Microphones with this thing?

    Silverlight13: Yes Yuki

    Livingdeadgirl: Shut up Yoko!

    Silverlight13: Why don't you come over here and make me!

    Snowangel: Hey now this is a chatroom not a fight club!

    Sexpuppet:…. NARUTA! T.T

    CrimsonRain: Uh oh he's gonna go into another depression!

    Easilypleased: I'll go get the Novocain… (Sigh)

    Easilypleased has signed off

    Sexpuppet: No NO! Stay away from me with that needle! AAAAAAAHHHH!

    Sexpuppet has been disconnected

    Silverlight13: Wow… Uh… So Itachi how has your life been?

    CrimsonRain: Pretty well except this b***h won't leave me alone along with all these damn fan girls!

    Silverlight13: Wow really don't care bye!

    Sliverlight13 has signed off

    IamGod!: (snicker) Well Alice how about you come to my room and we discuss things… ;D

    Whitefox:…. Sure, why not

    Everyone: O.e

    IamGod!: Really?

    Whitefox: Sure…

    IamGod!: Woo! ^.^

    IamGod! has signed off

    Whitefox has signed off

    IloveWaffles: That's so not fair! He gets laid and I get slapped!

    CrimsonRain: (twitch)

    IloveWaffles: Not what I meant Ita-Kun!

    I'mnotObito!: Yuki! Come play with me! ^.^

    Livingdeadgirl: O-tay Tobi-Kun! ^.^

    Everyone else: O.o Creepy

    (Breathing noises)

    CrimsonRain: Damn it Gaara! Go away!

    Mr.Sandman: Damn! How did you find out it was me!

    Easilypleased: Alice

    Mr.Sandman: You mean my lover Alice?

    CrimsonRain: Not anymore!

    Mr.Sandman: What does that mean?

    IloveWaffles!: I think shes leader's now!

    Mr.Sandman: GRRRRRR!

    Mr.Sandman Has signed off

    CrimsonRain: As much fun as this has been I think it's time to go to bed! (Yawns)

    Barneyismycousin has joined the chatroom

    IloveWaffles: Now who da fuu is this?

    Barneyismycousin: Orochimaru! Who the hell do you think it is!

    Everyone: O.O s**t! Evil snake molester!

    Everyone signs off

    Barneyismycousin: DAMN!

    Episode 6

    Whitefox has signed in

    Ilovewaffles! has signed in

    IamGod! has signed in

    CrimsonRain has signed in

    Idon'thaveperiods! has signed in

    IamGod!: Is this really everyone that's getting online today?

    Ilovewaffles!: I guess so… Oh! Ita-kun, are you okay?

    CrimsonRain: Yes. Why wouldn't I be?

    Idon'thaveperiods!: BECAUSE I FU--ED YOUR MOTHER!

    Everyone else: O.o

    Whitefox: Uuuhh… Hidan, is there something wrong today?

    Idon'thaveperiods!: I'LL KILL YOU!

    IamGod!: Oh no.. He's manstrating again…

    Everyone but Hidan: -Groans-

    Easilypleased has signed in

    EmoAvenger has signed in

    Maneater has signed in

    Oh lord.. Not this again…

    EmoAvenger: ITACHI! I WILL KILL YOU!

    Ilovewaffles!: Oh yeah? You don't have the balls for that kid.

    EmoAvenger: …. I do too!

    Whitefox: And when did you grow them?

    IamGod!: I bet never because the only two girls who would even dream of touching him he pushed away.


    EmoAvenger: I don't need a woman to make me happy! Your death will make me happy!

    Easilypleased: Woooow. GAY.

    Ilovewaffles!: Oh don't even mention gay Deidara. I've heard what you do with Sasori in the wee hours of the night!

    Easilypleased: … Shut up!

    Whitefox: -blushes- Oh my…

    CrimsonRain: -face palms- Zetsu you've been quiet for a while, what's up with you?

    Maneater: I've just been waiting for the perfect chance to do a ‘your mom’ joke.


    IamGod!: Caps lock Hidan. Caps lock. Take it off.

    Idon'thaveperiods!: NOOOOOOOOO! FU-- YOU!

    EmoAvenger: Wow… Uh I'm just going to leave now.

    EmoAvenger has signed off

    I'mnotObito! has signed on


    I'mnotObito! has signed off

    Aww.. Hidan, you made him sad.

    Maneater: What a douche.

    IamGod!: Oh well, so… Alice… Want to… Discuss things with me again? ;D

    Whitefox: Okay.

    Everyone else: o.o uuuuh.

    Whitefox has signed off

    IamGod! has signed off

    Sexpuppet has signed on

    Deidara. Where the hell are you?

    Easilypleased: Uuuuhh… My room. Why?

    Sexpuppet: I'm going to turn you into one of my puppets. Get over here now.

    Ilovewaffles!: Omg… Dude… That's just not even cool.

    Easilypleased: WHY? O.O

    Sexpuppet: I'm still mad about the sedative you gave me.

    Easilypleased: No. I'm not going to your room.

    Sexpuppet has signed off

    Uh oh.

    Easilypleased: Sasori? What are you… No… Get away from me with that! No! No! NOOOOOOOO!

    Easilypleased has been disconnected

    Maneater: Someone should help him….

    CrimsonRain: Why don't you do it?

    Maneater: yeah right.

    Ilovewaffles!: Guh.. I'll do it.

    Ilovewaffles! has signed off

    A dead silence occurs…..

    CrimsonRain: sooo….

    Barneyismycousin has signed on

    Everyone: OH GOD NO!

    Everyone signs off

    DAMN IT! I just wanted to sell them some girl scout cookies. sad

    Barneyismycousin has signed off