"Ahhh" Johnny was awoken with the blazing lights from the open window. The breaze was refreshing and reminding. He stared at the granite floor for a long minute.
"What are you doing? Don't you we have work to do?" he screeched. That voice reminded him of what he never had. He put his legs into the neon orange suit and zip it up until his hand reached his chin.
"Come ON!" Harrison Quil wasn't known for his tolerance. Swooshing through he remembered that his suit was too big. Stumbling down everything went black. The sharp pains on his leg dragged on for twentie minutes. He awoken with a hard shake. Surely he was out for only a minute but the sky was a navy blue surrounded with cyrstal lights.
"Decided to take a nap? Not on my time," sir Harrison barked. He nearly drowned in a sea of neon orange when they finally reached his cage. The cell was cold and damp. Johnny often spent the night here, away from his "friends". He rested his head in a puddle of water. Flashing into his brain, he remembered.
Mother was sitting on the porch sobbing. Her face had a darken circle around her eye.
"Whats wrong?" his voice was softer then a feather.
"Honey, go inside, Mommy wants some alone time. He knew what happen and being dismissed started a fire on his face. Running to the kitchen he saw the long, sharp, shinny piece of medal with a wooden handle.
"Daddy? DADDY!" his voice croaked. It was clear when daddy was coming because his footsteps gave a loud thump every time they stroked the ground.
"Can you cut this for me?" Johnny chuckled.
"What do you want me to cut?" his father gave a long glare.
"Come here, it's a secret." he snickered
His Father squated down to his 3foot 9inches proud height. Johnny's right hand slowly went to his father's ear. His left hand patted his father's back. The corspe fell onto Johnny's foot. the handle stood out of his back. Everything went black again.
Johnny had made the puddle larger while making his face red. His Mother became the enimie in the court room one year later. Seven years later he never got to celebrate his Sweet sixteen. For him life ended with his secrets.
Touch the Sun
a young boy longing for the truth
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