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Arishy's avatar

Last Login: 04/25/2014 11:09 am

Registered: 04/16/2007

Gender: Female

Location: The metal arts room at my school.

Occupation: Annoying you with my bright and cheerflness.


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This is what I have on my Avatar for those of you who are wondering.

Yes, I too have a Wish List. It's full of random junk..


Okay, so I have finally gotten around to editing this thing.

Somewhat. I was just writing a reply for this story, which, is in a really sad part. And I'm still sad myself. No, a character did not die.....Wow! Way to assume the worst.

This is where the "about me" thingamabob should go.

So, I've been doing some updating on this things. This doesn't happen often, so if you want something, feel free to pm me.

And I guess here's some random things about me:

6-I am cheerful and boisterous. Though, my journal is usually full of a lot of darkish poetry, which is the stuff that most people don't see. The really really dark stuff isn't online.

11-I'm a violent person. My friends and are I always hitting/killing each other. Spread the love!

222,222,222,222-I love socks. Lots and lots of socks! I love shoes only if they show off my socks. I like striped, argyle, pokadotted, tie dyed, colorful.

1-My hands are important to me. I use them to write, paint, draw, sew my crazy stuff, play with my rabbit, and hug my friends.

23-I love hats! Hats are awesome. I have a tiedie bucket hat, a tiedie hat with rabbit ears, a giants witch hat with a spider that makes noise and lights up on it.

-35 and -67-I have a rabbit named Thumper. He does thump. He's a holland lop and is the sweetest rabbit you'll ever meet!

-919,193- Color. I love bright things. and tiedie. I've mentioned tiedie a lot throughout this thing.

45.676767676767676767766776776767676776760-Sewing. I do t-shirts and monster dolls mostly. Mostly because it's easy and inexpensive to get my hand on felt and tshirts. But theses things are actually cool!

I could add more, but i think you get the picture. Don't get me wrong here, though, I've have my down days and have feelings like everyone else. We all have emotions so treat your and other's well, okay? This world needs some peace.

My rantings, proses, random junk in the form of writing, poems, and its.

View Journal

Whatever my mind happens to be snarky about.

It's a given that this is my journal. And it should be known that I don't know what else to put in here. So, I guess......Well, I love hats. I have a tiedye bucket hat, tiedye hat with rabbit ears on it. I also have this huge witch hat! It's black wi


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astrid_vp Report | 08/07/2009 6:30 pm
Happy B'day!
astrid_vp Report | 07/19/2009 1:23 pm
Hello! How are you?
We haven't talked in a veeeery long time...
lostathome Report | 06/17/2009 3:10 pm
awesome avi biggrin
Zackthe_hollyknight Report | 05/30/2009 8:50 pm
Hello there.
louie09 Report | 12/22/2008 9:49 am
hey, is your computer not working or something?
louie09 Report | 12/22/2008 9:14 am
i'm in the alarm skeeter 1 thing
louie09 Report | 12/22/2008 9:12 am
hey, get on zomg! XD
IcePrincess717 Report | 12/21/2008 12:00 pm
Thanks for buying! Have a great day!
GoldenSnowfire Report | 12/03/2008 6:24 pm
please look at the rest of my art when u have a chance ^^
lostathome Report | 11/28/2008 10:04 pm
Dramatic change on your avi! looks cool! ^^

Hey, momo_350, what do you want to do today?

Take over the world?

Sounds good! First let's take over Antarctica. We'll be invincible with the giant snow leopards on our side!

Go snow leopards!!!

Go snow leopards!!!