~Luc is always watching
So remember kids, I am your friend~
~Luc is always watching
So remember kids, I am your friend~
Last Login: 08/19/2022 11:55 am
Registered: 10/30/2006
~Luc is always watching
So remember kids, I am your friend~
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Iono, I'm having second thoughts :
Running low on gold too <|D
so....MAYBE! XD
btw wanna do both of us a favor? Having to do with Achievements C:
Why not start a thread for us in the CB to get the harder achievements over with?
Just fill it with both our replies XD
SOund good? ---> Clicky my friends thread!
And Thank you! ;D
Btw great Thursday night if I may say so myself!
Skyline or City College. Dunno yet. you?