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takoxika's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: United state

Birthday: 08/06


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I'm Caroline,nice to meet you,I'm pretty young for a Gaian, thirteen actually. I take a selfish pride in refusing to use text-speak ( Though I do use emoticons. >_> )when I type, or mingling japanese phrases with my dialect.(Though I am learning both Japanese and Spanish.)
I'm a big fan of comics (not just manga.) and anime and such,just like about the other 99.9% of gaians.
I tend to be thought of as a laid-back person, but can have a very short temper when angry.
I roleplay a bit,something to kill time,and...I ran out of things to say....ah well.


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Me awesome blogness!


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RannTheVampire Report | 08/28/2010 10:04 am
Another account... for ROLE PLAYING? biggrin I LOVE ROLE PLAYING! (I'm a God at rp)
iidarknightmare Report | 05/22/2010 5:01 pm
Ewww who the hella is this? hahha
iidarknightmare Report | 03/03/2010 5:57 pm
yeah lol ur right ;D well good luck ;D
iidarknightmare Report | 03/03/2010 5:50 pm
lamo report cards are not that bad, as long as you tried your best at all your classes and didnt blow it away then im sure you will be fine
iidarknightmare Report | 03/03/2010 5:35 pm
lfe it good lol how about you?
The boy who was not Report | 02/26/2010 10:35 pm
The boy who was not
Yeah, Tako, of course. Because you're ALWAYS right, aren't you?
fluffy pluffy Report | 02/21/2010 3:51 pm
fluffy pluffy
fluffy pluffy Report | 02/21/2010 3:45 pm
fluffy pluffy
So have you found a replacement for it?
fluffy pluffy Report | 02/21/2010 3:35 pm
fluffy pluffy
Are you gonna use that funky one you brought into school?

I also found one for Rin, if you need it. And that Miku one I showed you.
fluffy pluffy Report | 02/21/2010 8:00 am
fluffy pluffy
I poked around a bit more, and found a slight possibility for Len's wig.

The result is: Sora's wig, from KH. [x]
It's a bit more spiky than Len needs, but can probably be tweaked around with. twisted

The only object is its price. :-p


"Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Fondness makes the absence longer~"
(Unofficial stalker of "Los Campesinos!")


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