
HI EVERYONE!!! It's MANA! 8D Actually, I want you to call me COYOTE now! Or Coy, or Coyo, or... idk just call me Coyote. D8 Why? Cuz I said so! xD It's my USERNAME! Mana Tora was my oooold username, we're in the 21st century now, call me Coyote please. xDD
Aaaanyways, I know you all know me very well, so everything I say here should be just like a reminder for you. xD I'm crazy! And hyper 95.... 96% of the time. 8D And I'm random, but I love you! Would you like some cheese to go with that wine? ;P
Does my profile contradict itself? o3o Maybe... *shifty glances* DONT JUDGE ME b***h, I HAVE A CHAINSAW AND I KNOW HOW TO USE IT! >:3
I know how to roleplay, and you know that, everybody knows that. FEAR ME! ((When I'm angry and serious, you might want to back away slowly because... well... SHE'S GONNA BLOW!!!! xDD))
If you think I hate you, I don't. Just thought I'd say that. If you hate me, well, QUIT BEIN A DAMN PLAYER HATER MAN. Just kidding. xDD I'm married, I don't do that. xD ((Although it probably seems like it because I'm a moron xD))
That too, guess what, I'm MARRIED! And I love my hubby/wifey/whatever gender he chooses to take on any given day. (right now he's a girl xD) I love you baby! <3
And oh do I love getting the chance to say the words "DUN DUN DUNNNN" >:3 I mean, who doesn't? seriously... xD
Ok ok ok, another thing, I'm very emotional. Very... emotional... ._." As in, don't piss me off because I will be pissed, don't try to upset me because I might cry, and uh, when I'm happy, you'll know it. ;3 -superglomps whoever's reading this- BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! 8D
My favorite foods are sweet things, like... apples, and cupcakes, and rice krispy treats. 8D
I hate storms, not just hate, I REALLY hate storms! D8 They scare the bajeebas out of me! D8 I swear they're the only thing that scares me really bad. o-o;;
I love animals! Cats, dogs, rats, fishies, and well, pretty much all furry animals, and TURTLES! They're my favorite! x3 But I don't like bugs much. o-o;; Butterflies are awesome, but not like... maggots. D8 or bees. D8
And I'm either cosplaying as a Heartless or as Pikachu because they're cute, not because I know anything about them. xD I've played kingdom hearts, but it was a while ago, and I've also seen pokemon, but I'm no expert. ((I only know what the first about 150 pokemon are xD))
And I love you. o3o oh oh, and these are some cool quotes about smiling, because it's important to smile. It really does make you feel better to smile, even if you're not happy. ^^;; Eventually, you can calm yourself down and be happier, sometimes. :3 Except if you're like having a nervous breakdown or something, then it's no help at all. x-x;; Anyways, yeah, quotes... xD
“If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.”
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
“Some people wear their smile like a disguise. Those people who smile a lot, watch their eyes. I know 'cause I'm like that a lot. You think everything's ok, and it is . . . 'till it's not.” ((too true))
“Smile - It's the second best thing you can do with your lips.”
“Smile, even if it's a sad smile, because sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not knowing how to smile.”
“A smile happens in a flash, but its memory can last a lifetime.”
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

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so i saw your Heartless avi and i loved it. but i was also wondering, what item is the heart. you know the one in your chest?
Your time is running out, X. Oh, and I forgot to mention. Just in case of you connection with the Gao Su, i gave those diamonds their own power.
Crystal spores that turn other's bones into diamond on contact, and you've been spreading them all over your little clan. When i detonate your bones, everyone you have come into contact with since that day will perish as well. Have a good 24 hours, Coyote X.
...According to my vow, I have to kill you. And that is why I'm detonating the crystals I have placed within your bones.
You have 24 hours to live, Coyote. Make the most of it.