Viewing Magnifique_un's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Welcome to my profile!

Hi, Magnifique_un here!
I'm 30 years old, I was born and raised in Texas & currently living in Texas!
I speak very little spanish, even though I am hispanic.
My hobbies include sewing, drawing, and being on gaia.
Ermm... I'm not sure what else to say...
That's all for now!
Leave me nice comments. heart

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/13/2023 9:46 pm



I plan on taking him to theme parks, aquariums, beaches and all thats wonderful in Cali!
Seriously just pend time with him! I was able to get 10 Days Off! Yahoo!
He's going to be here for a solid 8 Days where as I got off an extra 2 for cleaning before and after! Smart right? x3
Yeah its been a mental struggle last three weeks because I feel helpless but my Uncle/God father is trying to get legal help in this and my mom also.
So thats progress!
Oh I totally hear you on the mental rest! I get it on the weekends! Seriously I need my days off to catch up! So I am totally lucky! rolleyes
I used to be in your shoes at several old jobs before my current one. I understand you 1000%!!! One day at a time! Seriously! heart


Report | 08/13/2023 7:12 pm



Oh gorgeous! A lot has been going on.
Dealing with family drama but things aren't as bad...yet...
My boyfriend is coming to visit me in October so that makes me more happy each week and passing months!
Im hoping visit family in September but due to drama currently Im just wishing things get better...
None of its my problem but its something that everyone has been dealing with...
Besides all that, work has been kicking my butt but thats normal. lol xD
Just trying to take one day at a time. Really! 3nodding
Im glad all is going good for you! emotion_hug


Report | 07/04/2023 10:16 pm



Gorgeous girl! What is going on? heart heart
Havent talked to you in ages! crying
Miss you and hope you have a safe July 4th! heart


Report | 02/28/2023 11:30 am



Report | 09/05/2022 1:49 pm


I'm good sorry for late reply I haven't been getting on here much other than to do the runway I've been kind of sick and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to be moving I really want to try to move before winter cuz it'll be harder to move in the winter I hope things have been going well for you is there anything new

Report | 06/10/2022 12:37 pm


Hi long time no see hope ur well

Report | 08/09/2021 8:52 am


Oh that job sounds ideal that you're able to work from home.
I'm sure that's been changed since you messaged me back a long while ago LOL.
Which btw I am so sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I've been busy myself keeping up with work and my hobbies as well.
I've also been caught up on playing Skyward Sword lately hahaha, I love the Zelda Franchise a little too much. sweatdrop

Do you have some examples of your sewing projects? I would love to see what you've created 4laugh
Unless you have an etsy shop or something like that? Id love to check out your selection and see if theres something Id like to buy heart

Report | 06/11/2021 9:42 pm


Omg hiiiii

It’s been far too long, how’ve you been? heart

Report | 04/05/2021 11:39 pm


Hi there gorgeous!!!
How are you these days?
Whats new with you?
Miss you & that I hope that you are staying healthy! heart

Report | 03/16/2021 7:21 pm


gaia_angelleft hi long time no see hope you been well surprised gaia_angelright


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