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Behind this sweet innocent smile, is a sinister mind plotting your demise. Yes, that would be me so just be warned. XD And if you haven't guessed by now, I like dragons. Not just any dragons though, I like well drawn, realistic yet creative dragons. I've drawn a few really good ones, but I'm still working with my style of drawing them. If you want to go see a few drawings of mine visit the art arena.

I also love roleplaying, and I co-own a guild with one of my friends, The silver wolf and black dragon club. It mostly a roleplaying guild which also is random. It still a fairly new guild, but still is a really fun place to roleplay in.

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Viewing 12 of 24 friends


Viewing 10 of 13 comments.


Report | 12/30/2010 9:10 am


Hello~ Well it seems like after a huge break I came back to the Byako thread. I'm back in the RP swing and the contest I was going crazy over is almost over so I should be more regular now if you're still interested.

Report | 11/25/2010 4:01 pm


Just wanted to tell you Haunted Carnival got a couple new posts. I haven't been in there in months.. something made me check just now.
Black Claided Cat

Report | 09/01/2010 7:17 pm

Black Claided Cat

cool avi
Skutter-Wife of Hiei II

Report | 10/09/2007 4:09 pm

Skutter-Wife of Hiei II

Holy cow! The avatar has been switched up! =O

Report | 08/11/2007 5:20 pm


I rather like the new navigation system. User Image

Report | 08/10/2007 10:48 am


OMG! Everything has changed ahhhhhhh im so lost! User Image

Report | 04/04/2007 4:45 pm


Hi! How ya doing? Cool page. And that's an awesome dragon on yer page.
Skutter-Wife of Hiei II

Report | 10/09/2006 2:17 pm

Skutter-Wife of Hiei II

Wowzer! =O
She re-did her profile.
Skutter-Wife of Hiei II

Report | 09/05/2006 3:55 pm

Skutter-Wife of Hiei II

Oops, it's the guy from the role playing guild. ^-^;;

Report | 08/08/2006 11:13 am


HI! It's been a LONG time since we've spoken, and I just thought I'd leave you a comment. If you still remember me, leave one back. 3nodding


Yes, as hard as it is to believe, I have a heart. It beats ferociously to pump the blood through your veins, even though I hold it here in my crimson covered hand.

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