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Sarai Mulcahy

Sarai Mulcahy's avatar

Last Login: 05/29/2024 12:21 pm

Gender: Female

Location: where ever I want to be

Birthday: 07/12/1990

Occupation: security/hamster breeder/speech tutor/college student

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This is who I am

As you can probably tell, I'm a huge M*A*S*H fan. I'm also big into the FFA. I'm 18 and a female and other than that you don't need to know much else.

Watch the youtube viedo for my favorite M*A*S*H clip!

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Blinkie by Hecka Bored

If there's something other than fish then I'm questing!

M*A*S*H Fish!

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

Care to take a gander...

Like M*A*S*H Come join in on a fun RP![/color:5bb028b012][/size:5bb028b012]
QUESTING : Couples fan art & Pirate Anchor


Soundtrack to my life

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

M*A*S*H army song


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just whatever is going on here. Maybe I might have random Fan stuff or art I have done and feel like showing off... or if someone draws something for me ^^

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darth acheron Report | 07/19/2013 6:40 pm
darth acheron
Happy Birthday blaugh
Serenitychan13 Report | 07/08/2012 9:46 pm
I think I might need to read on through it first.

But read, I shall!
Serenitychan13 Report | 07/08/2012 9:33 pm
How do I come to your RP?
Serenitychan13 Report | 07/08/2012 9:17 pm
I also have this smashing desire to see where they've reconstructed the Swamp in the Smithsonian!
Serenitychan13 Report | 07/08/2012 1:06 am
I still want to see it. Even if just to take pictures there wearing my M*A*S*H T-shirt, with my teddy bear under one arm, cos I gotta have some love for Radar too!
Serenitychan13 Report | 07/06/2012 1:15 pm
Cripers! Packo's is real!? I thought that was just one of Klinger's things on the show! I have a dream to see Toledo one of these days.
Serenitychan13 Report | 07/05/2012 7:46 pm
Wow!! Another young lady M*A*S*H fan! Pleased to meet you!
Monkeegirl1960 Report | 04/12/2012 3:22 pm
Don't give me nightmares. Lol. I dread the day. sweatdrop
Monkeegirl1960 Report | 04/11/2012 7:56 pm
Lol. That would be good. mrgreen just looking at it gives me headaches some days. My cousin's in it now. Oh, the headaches. Lol.
Monkeegirl1960 Report | 04/11/2012 11:33 am
No kidding. Not quite to calc math-wise, but just looking at it makes my head turn... It's required for my major... gonk When I foud out... Let us just say I was not pleased. lol.

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