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Last Login: 07/17/2014 12:22 pm

Gender: Female


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RabuLabu Report | 05/18/2012 1:42 pm
Hahaha! xD
"I feel like a third wheel with Alycia and Katelyn here" LMFAO!
"Lez be honest Katelyn loves it"
RabuLabu Report | 05/15/2012 9:56 pm
Lol. Yes, yes it does! Haha xD
"Whoa two A Day To Remember t-shirts and two Katelyn's in one weekend." Lol
RabuLabu Report | 05/14/2012 1:41 pm
Haha thanks >w< I like yours too.
You look all cool with your sweet shades lmao. Nom nom nommin on an arm.
RabuLabu Report | 05/09/2012 8:37 pm
So what do you think should I change my name? I'm kinda liking RabuLabu?
I want your opinion first before I do!
RabuLabu Report | 03/21/2012 1:12 pm
Oh yeah I like your status,"Murr" Lmao!
Haha. Yeah, when you come over again this weekend, we should walk back up to the high school! That was hilarious! Maybe this time we actually go into the building "I need you to hold the camera." LMAO!
Yeah, I called her up that night and I was like, "So Megan...are you going to hold the camera or not?" Haha XD
Oh my gosh! My friend(s) that I sit with at lunch know that I like my Loner(s) and they dragged me up right next to them! And then we were walking back to class Austin looked like he was going to trip him! And I was like dude don't do that! And then today he was like, "All right I'm going to trip him and your going to freak out and say, 'oh my gosh don't do that' and I'm going to yell at you for yelling at me and see if he defends you!" hahahaha! Then he was like never he might kick my a**! Haha and then he was like,"All right here's the new plan we're gonna run ahead of them and block them!" haha! I kinda hope we do it! That'd be so funny! I liked the tripping one better. Oh my gosh, we are like freakin' stalkers we follow them now! And he knows! Uh that chick made him laugh, and she has a green hair tie too!
RabuLabu Report | 03/15/2012 12:47 pm
Duude can you not play L4D with more than 2 players? Cause if we can then we could all play it together, OMG all of us playing together! That'd be soo awesome!
Ha I told Megan about how we're gonna walk to her house and she said, "Do you guys know how far away it is?...It's a long walk" and I was l like, "Yeah I know, Alyica likes walking" Hahaha
RabuLabu Report | 03/09/2012 8:14 pm
I keep forgetting to add that I like your avatars! I liked the past one too but every time I posted I'd be like crap! So yeah I like :3
RabuLabu Report | 03/09/2012 8:12 pm
Your fish is starting s**t. Lol. I saw him bite Opie by the tail! And Opie's dead now...
Damn! Why do phone's always die when you need them?
Dude Megan's moving! She'll still go to the same school but on the 28th she said she's going to invite me over and we're going to play Xbox all day lmao!
Sounds like us only we play at night! When we hear creepy noises outside. Hahaha.
RabuLabu Report | 03/08/2012 1:31 pm
LMAO! I couldn't say that...(he isn't that pretty and he sounds gay...) So nice I know
LMFAO! Did you take a picture! Oh my gosh that sounds awesome. I want to make the "D" and "I" and "L" burn out over here so it says Lard! biggrin
Dude Ciel is killing Opie! Like all of Opie's fins are gone and they look like he got them cut, like rigid. Her pretty tail is all gone. We aren't sure if it's Ciel that's the cause but I got the thing like 3 years ago! That's old for a goldfish!
RabuLabu Report | 03/06/2012 12:50 pm
Yeah thank you. I've been working on it for a week now! And my friends said it's getting smaller! And I was like YES! Haha. What are you talking about you gave me a lot! I'm not complaining. I know I haven't got you any NomNoms but when I get my report card and money I will go out and buy you NomNoms!
Yeah this kid I sit with at lunch he keeps saying he wants to break it cause it makes him mad. I think he's just jealous he didn't get any NomNoms!

Just Another Teen Age Anarchist.