Name: Jangetta
Formerly known as:
Lana Fox, xvampirexofxangelsx, xvampirezxfirex
I-Must-Change-My-Avi-Every-Two-Seconds disease - It's real and I have it.
Real things:
Age: 18
Height: 5' 4"
I look: Asian. So Kawaii~
I have been on Gaia since March 21, 2008. Since then I've changed, I've matured, and I dnt tlk liek dis... Anymore. The internet taught me well.
I RP. Message me sometime about it. I do all different types of RPs and my responses can be as long as your responses are. I strictly do 1x1 and there needs to be a plot beforehand.
Welp. PM me sometime. I get on here a lot more. College gave me much more free time and I love talking to people. I don't bite or snap, I promise!
Leave a comment!PM Me!»»───(knee)───►
Nuzlocking Original Red. Gettin' ssrs business.