Hello, my name is Lexi. I'm seventeen, and a senior in hs. I live in quite a fun place, only not. I'm a little bit negative about the whole town. Everyone is too American, YAY for greedy killing-zones >.< Well, excluding my best friends, they're amazing. =] I love music (electro, indie, oldies, and everything strange), movies (again, the stranger the better) and writing (yes, I write strangely as well.)
I also like simple things like: dancing, making friends, singing, being outside, scribbling, partying, making music, hanging out with friends, drawing, jumping, reading, drumming, talking, listening, screaming, going on walks, watching anime, playing guitar hero, being with my nephew, going to the movies, reading manga, walking through the city, going to bestsellers, and taking pictures.
AIM me!:
I love meeting new people so comment/pm me anytime =]
My dream avy #1 (the one I'm currently working on)

My dream avy # 2

I have expensive taste... ^.^ So please donate!
*profile best viewed in mozilla firefox.
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