Viewing crazzie_asiann123's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


heyyy evryone1!!whrer shud i start?? name is abby,im 14 and i live in canada
i ♥ anime,manga,chocolate and mi friends!!!
and if anyone wants to talk about anime or manga im here!!!
i like rock, pop, techno and lots of other kinds of music...

ohhh yeah..donate gold!!!!!


Viewing 12 of 23 friends


hii ppl!! smile

here are some things about me: things i like: drawing reading swimming hanging out w friends etc. some things i dont like ppl messing witth my friends brussel sprouts and skool(sometimes) soooo i guess thats it ill keep u posted peace


Viewing 10 of 19 comments.

Be Nyappy

Report | 05/22/2010 2:45 pm

Be Nyappy

Boom! shakalaka-maka boom!
-Haii....watcha doin
Be Nyappy

Report | 04/25/2010 11:57 am

Be Nyappy to be you -_-
I am soo glad she doesn't have pictures of my-you-know-who, if she did, her head would be bitten off by me.
Don't worry...look on the bright side, she also had pictures of jinsu.....see...thats not so bad.....i think... .__."
Cheer up...something...something...something...keep the faith....always...something something....eternally.....tohoshinki break up- 2010

Be Nyappy

Report | 04/15/2010 6:50 pm

Be Nyappy

yes i am...mrs.shim
haha....oh and i was about to tell you....when you werent here at school, we were at the computer lab for geo right?
soo...kamal handed me her scrap book, i was looking through it...there were anime pics, and shinee...and then was tvxq.....dun..dun...dun...
I kept turning the [ages until...i's right CHANGMIN!...she had a picture of changmin...
It was the one with the yellow backround with him holding a glass cup or something like yah.....
Be Nyappy

Report | 04/11/2010 3:21 pm

Be Nyappy

Abe....its me ^_^

Report | 08/22/2009 4:08 pm


yahh i got your mail
Conforming to Fate

Report | 08/21/2009 8:23 pm

Conforming to Fate

umm... hover ur mouse first to the community tab
and then u'll see guilds
click that and in the left corner u'll see my guilds
click dbsk

and ur there! =]
Conforming to Fate

Report | 08/17/2009 7:24 am

Conforming to Fate

DBSK guild members! listen up! LOL!
okei so I was given permission by our captain xXrainbowgodXx to PM all of the members because the guild is dying. sowee for the term but it is. sweatdrop so i'm requesting everyone to please be active in the guild after all its a place where you can talk about anything aside form DBSK. xp well that's it. hoping for more new forum topics and new posts in the guild!

have a nice day! biggrin
and sowee i didn't Pm this instead i forgot i can't Pm a person who's not on my friend list so i'll add everyone up. =]

Report | 08/01/2009 2:33 pm


random comment

Report | 08/01/2009 2:32 pm


Random comment

Report | 07/16/2009 9:53 am


hiya! again lolz

