Viewing l Willow l's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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ok first off to all you who came here to make fun of me..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW YOUR LIVES MUST SUCK IF THIS IS THE BEST THING YOU HAVE TO DO! i must say thats sad. well atleast you picked a worthy person to stalk, you would think you would find something better to do, oh wellz. i love my self and all your insaults just make me laugh!^^

oh and for the updates. im engaged, im getting my licesnce,im graduating this year and im getting a new car. oh and i have 2 years of college already paid for yay so excited!!! yayayay!!! lol

hello!^^ my name is Jessie um im a bit scene at least thats what im told! i love to write and draw. um my favorite bands are brokencyde, dot dot curve, dropping a popped locket, millionaires, NICKASAUR, blood on the dance floor, owl city, family force five, cobra starship, and i LOVE jeffree star!XD um i love my best friends! i WISH i could play the piano! um afraid of the dark...jk no im not....but i am afraid of spiders! my favorite color is RAINBOW! YES ITS A ******** COLOR!! um i have brown (soon to be black again) hair with hot pink, purple, electric blue, and neon yellow streaks. i also have electrick blue and black coon tails. and i have green eyes im 5ft3 i have a medium waist and well a DD chest not that that was important!XD um i shop at hot topic but im kinda poor because my dads job kinda sucks heh im not getting int that! um the best movie in the whole damn world is REPO! The genetic opera! i AM blind mag. lol

i don't like the poser scene kids that are only scene because its cool! i was scene before scene was even CALLED scene! i knew and listened to 3OH!3 before any of you people even heard of them! same with brokencyde. me and my friend lauren actully KNOW the people from those bands. so boya bitches im a true fan! wtf NOW?? i love my music DO NOT insuilt it unless you want me to rip you a knew a*****e.

i am soooooo sick of this twilight s**t i was into vampires WAY before that crap was out. the movie was the worst thing in the world and it is one of the biggest insaults to vampires. i hope they do exist and kill stephany meyer!




im a very nice and generous person i randomly give random ppl i don't even know stuff. i can't stay mad at anyone especialy my sweet heart devin. he is everything to me. ive never loved anyone so much. um feel free to message me. i love new people.

hannah montannah deserves to be assinated.


The True meaning of love:

A guy and a girl were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle

Girl:Slowdown i'm scared.
Guy:No this is fun.
Girl:No plz it's scary.
Guy:Then tell me u love me.
Girl:I love u slowdown.
Guy:Now give me a big hug,she gave him a big hug.
Guy:Can u take my helmet off and put it on urself it's bothering me.

In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building b/c of brake failiure. Two people were on it ,only one survived.The truth was that halfway down the road he realized the brakes went out and didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him that she loved him one last time.Then he had her put on his helmet so she would live even if that meant he would die.If u would do this for the one u love then put this ur profile.

GIVE ME!!!!!!!! PLEEZ!!!!!!!!! lol

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Total Value: 1,480,082 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Cherry Blossom
Angelic Lace
Angelic Manner
Wind Security Blanket

this is me!!!

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this is my fiance devin aint he a cutie?^^

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these are my best friends i love them! lol first on is of sami!!

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here is tiffany!!!
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and this is dolly-chan!!!^^ (ello_peepscles) er however ya spell it!

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arn't they just awesome? lol


Viewing 12 of 42 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/20/2009 9:55 pm


*glounps her and wags tail* isa fine biggrin your avi is really cute 3nodding

Report | 09/14/2009 4:20 pm


hola blaugh *huggles* heart

Report | 09/10/2009 6:20 pm


Phreshh gurl

Report | 09/08/2009 4:46 pm

Phreshh gurl

I don't have a life.
and i actually have the courage to admit it neutral
Hakuna matada

Report | 09/08/2009 3:53 pm

Hakuna matada

That made no sense. rofl
Phreshh gurl

Report | 09/07/2009 10:16 pm

Phreshh gurl

What kind of scene girl name is "| Willow |"?
and a REAL BROKENCYDE fan would spell their band name right.
you spelled brokencde.

Here's what your about me really should say.
Gay scene girl
hello!^^ my name is Jessie um im a bit scene GHEY at least thats what im told! i love to write and draw. um my favorite bands are brokencde, dot dot curve, dropping a popped locket, millionaires, NICKASAUR, blood on the dance floor, owl city, family force five, cobra starship, and i LOVE jeffree star! The beetles XD um i love my best friends, i WISH i could play the piano! They loved me back! um afraid of the dark...jk no im not....but i am afraid of eat spiders! my favorite color is RAINBOW! GHEY YES ITS A ******** COLOR!! um i have brown (soon to be black again) hair with hot pink, purple, electric blue, and neon yellow brown streaks. i also have electrick blue and black coon tails pubic hair. and i have green eyes im 5ft3 2ft3 i have a medium fat a** waist and well a DD AA chest not that that was important!XD um i shop at hot topic Banana Republic but im kinda poor because my dads job kinda sucks heh im not getting int that! um the best movie in the whole damn world is REPO TWILIGHT! The genetic opera! i AM blind mag. lol. I'M GHEY
Phreshh gurl

Report | 09/07/2009 9:55 pm

Phreshh gurl

Your some ******** rainbow wannabe.
nothing close to scene.
Hakuna matada

Report | 09/07/2009 9:48 pm

Hakuna matada

Scene isn't working for you. I think you should follow another trend
Ladie Riddle

Report | 09/07/2009 8:21 pm

Ladie Riddle

why did you give yourself a label and claim that you are 'scene' and hate people who pretend to be scene, then? it just sounds like you are into labels or something.
Ladie Riddle

Report | 09/07/2009 8:09 pm

Ladie Riddle

and if you were not insecure, you would not care about people being 'mean ' over the internet.

also, you did not answer my question at all. you dont' know what you are saying? :S


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