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ookyew! hello everyone! im an 19 year old with lots of love to share! hehe...*hides a whip behind my back* im an artist with a unique imagination....anywayz, im pretty much ur normal girl..then again, can u define NORMAL? *cocks an eyebrow and smirks* OK then! if u got any questions or concerns i'll listen but i won't actually be there^^ or u can get to know me better without going insane...>;D good luck and thank you! ^-^

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Viewing 12 of 19 friends


My thoughts and feelings

this is just a random girl with a hunger for inspiration...i would like to know wat others think when topics are replied to even the most unusual journals ever written....its a type of curiosity that will feed my inner artist...and soul ^^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/29/2009 12:40 am


thanks chica

Report | 11/11/2009 8:27 am


GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS! I FINALLY got a job! YYYYYYYAAAAAAHHHHH! ^-^ ^-^ ^-^!!!!! I'm working at Macy's selling fine jewery now! I still can't believe they are letting me handle expensive jewerly like that. (When i say expensive i'm talking EXPENSIVE, I mean REAL 24K gold and diamonds and Rolex's). Just in time for Christmas!!! Of course I have alot to learn about it, all the cuts and karots and things like that. its a hour for home and I will be working 6-midnight at Fair Oaks Mall. Good hours, huh? I'm so excited!!! They are really looking for help so maybe you could give it a try, I mean they hired me on the spot!! Well i'm going to be very busy now makin' me som' moneh! hahahaha! JK! JK! Take care!

Report | 10/21/2009 9:37 am


hey.....sorry i have fallen out of life has been hell.....can we still be friends?

Report | 09/15/2009 4:14 pm


*cyber hugs* yay!!

Report | 09/15/2009 4:01 am


nice avi

Report | 09/10/2009 3:19 pm


I'm aiming for jan. im still job hunting its really strating to get hard because now my uncle is borrowing my car for his job hunting. I'm am a little frutrated becuase my newly found freedoms keep geeting taken away from me. I feel like a keep hitting a wall with this. but im glad to give it up to him b/c he needs it badly, more than i do , u know. Mabye i can visit one day. What time are you there, at school?

Report | 09/09/2009 1:04 pm


No. not this semester. I only come over there to return books and stuff.

Report | 08/27/2009 9:13 pm


LOL! I write alot !!! hehe

Report | 08/27/2009 9:09 pm


Wow O.0!!! that crazy huh? I might have to go to another campus if I want to go though with those majors i was thinking of. it seems everything i want to take is like in arlington or alexandra. but i heard there is a good math teacher there so it might be worth a try. i was going to visit the campus but i don't want to drive in D.C, scrach that, my parents don't want me too! I want to stay at woodbridge with u but i see too many people i know from high school and otherwise A.K.A my stalker( u know that weird dude that came up to us one day). Well i ll know by jan. i guess.
P.S. Do u think i should keep videos on my profile page or a playlist?
Super sisters <3

Report | 08/23/2009 12:49 pm


Thankyou! I'm glad it helped! I have these pack of wisdom cards and when i read that one i really like it . It applies to every sucky situtation out there!!! I didn't know u had trouble, maybe it was fate talking to me!!! ^-^
Well, my summer was good i did lots of things unlike most summers, my Family Drama depleated itself and were happier now, and starting my life over now. i was so worried about grades, finishing school on time, and getting out there, but i realized that there is no point in rushing things and things happen for a reason. I thought of changing my major to political science or being a lawer. ???? I'm not really sure. i hope you're feeling better. I think you will do better this time!!!^-^ sometimes the first year sucks because your still learning how deal with college life. second year should be better for sure. Does it start tomorrow? Tell me how your first day was, OK? SUPER SISTERS, FOEVER!