Viewing wildfantasy24's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


I'm an out-doorsy type of person, which could mean anything-but i like to be outside, weather i'm just in my backyard reading or on the computer or if i'm hiking through the woods etc.

I love to read anything thats written in an old-fashioned way or takes place in medival times (medival fantasy included).

I adore the arts so anything that has to do with singing, dancing, acting. I also play a little guitar, but otherwise fail at musical instruments!


Viewing 12 of 162 friends



RANDOMENESS!!! the title says it all

Lots of randome stuff i come up with. I'm mostly gonna write stories and other crap. xP



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/27/2010 8:59 am

blackeyed midnight29

blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/27/2010 8:52 am

blackeyed midnight29

yeah u can say that
blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/27/2010 8:49 am

blackeyed midnight29

well nice to meet u to start off with

Name: Jacob
Favorite color: red, black, and blue
idk all of my nationalities
movies i like all types i guess
book dont read that much
love to ski and do things outdoors
the end
blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/27/2010 8:38 am

blackeyed midnight29

wats ur name
blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/27/2010 8:31 am

blackeyed midnight29

come to rally and we can tlk
blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/27/2010 8:01 am

blackeyed midnight29

u dont have to try u just r
blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/26/2010 2:29 pm

blackeyed midnight29

lol ur a sweet girl btw
blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/26/2010 2:23 pm

blackeyed midnight29

blackeyed midnight29

Report | 02/26/2010 2:12 pm

blackeyed midnight29

no way how old r u

Report | 02/04/2010 7:00 pm


Um wats with the outfit


Wild Fantasies