Wandering away to what I thought; living today as what I cannot.
And, Steve, quit stalking my profile - Still <3 you though
Stuff you should know about me >.<
~1) I don't do drugs or drink, I believe it's wrong to do something that will only get you high for alittle while. Plus why should I spend my money on something that will have a temporary effect. I prefer to not destroy my body, thank you very much, the world has done enough to me.
~2) I am basically a goody goody, being old-fashioned and rather smart (though do to an...er...accident...I can't seem to remember much of the unimportant details). But, that does not mean I am not sneaky, I tend to set mind tricks on people when they least expect it, constantly forcing out negative emotions. Generally just for the heck of it, or sometimes I do so without knowing it myself at first.
~3) I'm sarcastic to the extreme, but I tend to hold it in over the internet. I make wise cracks at just about every little thing that crosses my path, which could seriously give House a run for his money-well, er, hobble?
~4) I'm very patient, it takes a lot to get me not so. Able to wait for multiple hours while working on a project with others, with no improvement whatsoever. I tend to be a mediator between disputes, not wanting to be involved in violence or on any side at most points, however, I do have my own opinions, I am not some drone. I prefer logical reasons over most; thinking of the positive and negative outcomes it could all result into. Though, I do listen to my heart when the situation calls for it, and it does normally tend to result in very good effects. I've also been said I'm extremely lucky, there's a million thing that accounts for it being said too. I also tend to not show how smart I really am, resulting in me asking stupid/uneventful questions that annoy those I'm asking. I just do it for the heck of it =D
~5) I tend to think out-of-the-box, generally coming up with things that are thought of as ridiculous to others, but generally tend to end up being true. You can normally find me deep in thought about the world around us and the existence-there may be no reason to it all, but still.
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