My trip to St. Andrews ^^ |
Welp, today, the Physics Department took a trip to St. Andrews University...that is to say, the Higher, Advanced Higher, and all 3 teachers ^^ No one left in the department, lol xD
St. Andrews, for those of you who don't know ( rolleyes at me xP), St. Andrews is a town on the East Coast of Scotland that is rather famous for its Golf Course ^^ Want a map? okie then! (I'm bored...can you tell?)

Awww, look at all the Scottish names ^^ Pitlochry, Kirriemuir, Carnoustie, Brechin, Auchtermuchty, Auchterarder, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy... << >>
and just so you know where it is, on the big scale: 
Aaaanyhoo, we went there for a kinda...Physics day ^^ there was a lecture by a man called Dave Wark...from Indianna, I think he said xD He told us all about Neutrinos ^^ alot of it, I can't really remember, but, I remember a few times I understood what he was going on about xD and he was funny, too...though, I found myself being the only one around me laughing xD
Then, some of us stayed behind becuase our teacher was yabbering to some guy...Bruce, I think his name was ^^ so, we were tlaking to some students there...one of them said "We're geeks...get used to it!" so kewl cool
it was a kewl day ^^
Rebbyy · Mon Aug 21, 2006 @ 07:44pm · 2 Comments |