Wither away and die.
Let me wither away and die, in your arms.
I'll be that rose, that wilts in that glass of water.
My petals fall, one by one, until I'm nothing but a stem.
I need my sun, to bring me back to life.
I need the rays of light, and no I'm not talking about heaven.
More tears develop everyday, drowning me in them.
My arms grow tired, of holding them out to you.
And my mouth grows numb, from the poison I've injected.
Lay my head on your lap, as I look up to you.
My eyes may only be open for these last few minutes.
Tell me, those words you were afraid to tell me.
Now that I'm laying there, motionless, and paralyzed.
Close my eyes, and lay a silver dollar over both of them.
As I take my final breath, I told you to hold me one last time, just like we did when we met.
I only want the last few minutes of my life, the most memorable.
So I can watch you from wherever I'm going to.
You're like a rockstar, that wants nothing, when he has everything.
Willing to throw everything away, just for some girl.
Why can't I ever understand, why the world moves so fast?
Maybe I'm just stuck in a place, where only I remember the way.
Slowly I forget, all the days where I was gathered, all there.
Now I just grab my head, and spin around like I have no mind at all.
Please let me cry my sorrow and pity away.
Because I know, you don't need it, and I don't want you to have it.
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