Yo! Chaos here (doh! this IS my journal! xd ) Anyways, I got me a distance rod, and it's doing better than my strength rod or my performance rod. smile And now, I'm questing for a distance rod Plus. I just want to tell whoever's reading this how you would catergorize rods by their probablility of catching rare fish: 5. Strength rod plus 4. basic rod plus 3. performance rod plus 2. distance rod plus 1. angelic rod plus. I want the angelic rod plus SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly! whee Now, time for some bad news... someone really liked me, but then, she broke up with me just because I wouldn't tell her my age. What up with that? neutral
Diet Chaos · Tue Jul 25, 2006 @ 10:04pm · 0 Comments |