Life has been totaly ******** crummy. I just wanna shoot myself. But then my parents would be filled with even more sorrow then they need right now. My brother passed away just six days ago, I feel really crappy. I was right there with him as he died, I tried to save him. Nothing I did helped, I feel like I let everyone down. I missed a test in school, and an assignment. So I'm pretty sure my grades took a hammer to the legs because of that. I'm trying to hone my drawing skills, but it's hard to practice. I'm not sure what I wanna do with my life right now. I thought I wanted to work in comics, but I want my parents to be proud of me. I'm just really confused. Who am I....I'm just so confused, I wish I would die.....
FireRazor · Fri Dec 24, 2004 @ 12:35am · 0 Comments |