I don’t think it’s fair that my parents are choosing my college and major for me. It should be my choice but whatever. It’s fine that I don’t have a choice anymore. It’s not like I knew exactly what I wanted to do and have known for about and year and now you’re just ripping that away from me because of your selfish reasons.
Cool. Absolutely fantastic. Sweet.
I wanted to go to a small school here and then transfer after two years into my major. Why? So I wouldn't do what my brother did and go to a huge ******** expensive school with a major that he didn't even like. I just want to start small, find out what I like, and go from there. It's cost effective and smart. Unlike what my brother did. He had us wasting so money. I was going to do the smart thing. But no. Now I have to go to a big expensive school, too. Why? Just because I'm eligible for a $48,000 scholarship. But in the long run it'll just ******** up the family funds more. Am I the only one who sees this?
I don't want this. I don't want to go to an ART school...
Purple Sky Painter · Sat Feb 23, 2013 @ 11:07pm · 1 Comments |