(Yes, this really happened and stuff. It's also a good example of how even the people that are can have good in their hearts....sometimes. ;D)
Casual Friday 2

It was the school's next Casual Friday. It had been a week since the incident and I was less shaken though a tad stirred because of my experience that last one. I was too chicken to tell Annette the truth. All the word that got out around the school was that Kevin Smith got suspended for being alone in a closet with me which wasn't good. It was nothing more than a rumor but the more it spread the more ridiculous it came out and Annette as the Queen Bee of Dowling Iowa Catholic School heard each and every one. None of them accurate and having any bit of truth beyond me in the Janitor's Closet with him.
Here are some rumors I heard people say as I walked around the school: "Kevin got Raven pregnant like Juno!" "They were kissing and have a secret relationship!" "Raven's a pervert trying to kidnap the hottest guy in school!" "Raven is a homewrecker in training!" "She's goth so she was probably attempting to sacrifice him to Satan." "I don't know, guys. I thought they were playing Bingo." said the autistic nose-picker and everyone glared at him.
This Casual Friday I was dressed a bit differently. I had my gorgeous sparkling red locks down(but they didn't drag this time luckily). I had my bangs in a scene sidepart. I had it covering one of my glossy purple/pink crystal eyes. I like doing my hair like that because it hides one of my rose crystal amethyst jewels and makes me look mysterious and dark like I am inside and out. Soul and style. I put on a tight black skater shirt with short sleeves, a mild V neck(because I'm not a slut), and with a red anarchy symbol on it. Since that technically wasn't allowed in school I decorated in with some random Hot Topic pins to make it look like it's a triangle only. I put on a big poofy red Scottish plaid skirt with black ballerina tulle underneathe. It looked like I was trying to hide the Black Swan in a way. I wrap a black studded belt on my waist. The studs were silver like the bikers and screamo stars wear. I put on long black stocking socks with simple red ribbon bows on them. I put on a studded bracelet to match my belt. I put on a bunch black rubber bracelets on. I put on a small plaid vest on to cover my chest a little more since people always stare at it. I put on some plain subtle black heels. For make-up I did butterfly wing black eyeliner like the kind Kiki Kannibal does. I had on some milder pepper blood red shadow on and my usual touch of black lipstick and gloss.
People were constantly whispering about me as I walked around the place. My crush Kira Shinobi confronted me about all this drama. "Raven, is any of this stuff true?" He asked approaching me and talking concernedly. He was wearing a black turtleneck. He had on ripped up gray emo pants, gun metal gray cross earrings and rings and a necklace, and short black Doc Marten boots. His hair was teased to look more scene and emo. He totally looked like a J-rock star! He had on thick black eyeliner and matching shadow around his inviting deep gray eyes. Those concrete pools of wonder so dark contrasting against his yellowish white skin. "Don't you know me at all?!" I asked back angrily my fangs showing and gritting. "I mean...I know....but at the same time I'm not sure...Raven....I'm really worried about you. I know you aren't in a relationship with him but.....I walked in at a random point. I didn't know exactly what he did...." Kira told me looking all serious and scratching and stroking his beautiful blue emo bangs. He was about ready to cry. "He taped me to a wall and kissed me. You saw everything. Trust me. You didn't see him take me away and knock me out but you definitely saw the worst of it..." I said sadly about to cry myself gasping cutely. "I believe you, okay?" Kira said comforting me. He was quite a bit taller than me so he bent over a bit to kiss my angelic pale white forehead. We hugged tightly and lovingly.
No one heard us in the cafeteria so rumors kept being spread. It made Annette Jonesley more and more vengeful. Then she could not hold back. In her mind, it was only my fault. After Period 3 when the halls were nearly empty she pinned me against some lockers roughly, digging her long fake nails in my soft white arms, and growling and glaring at me like a junkyard dog except she's more of a poodle than anything else. Her thin, fried, bleached, platinum blonde hair was let down and curled like Taylor Swift's hair but with no bangs and a waterfall braid as it hit against her orange brown tinted tan skin. She looked crispy and almost black like burnt food. She grit her artificially whitened teeth at me through her light Barbie pink gloss and lipstick. She was wearing a white button down blouse almost down to the stomach and her pink bra kept popping through where I could see her A cups. I could also see her golden belly button ring. She was wearing a short denim shredded skirt cut shorter than the shortest stripper's bootyshorts. She had on black fishnets and her usual pink stillettos. I wince looking away from her out of pure embarassment at her slutty attire. She grabbed my baby soft cheeks and made me look back up at her. I stopped resisting her confrontation and finally spoke out. "What do you want, Barbie?!" I said all annoyed. (Yeah that's my nickname for her she has one for me too just watch) "What did you do to my boyfriend, Elvira?" "Nothing!" I said truthfully looking into her dead dull looking blue eyes. "That's not what I heard! I heard you guys were declaring your undying love for one another in the projection room and then discussed your intricate wedding plans and then you made him knock you up!" "Yeah...no. Think about it." I said smartly raising a pristine natural red eyebrow at her. "Yeah...that does sound ridiculous...but still. I know something happened between you two and it was bad! REAL BAD! Tell me or else I'll take all your stupid gothic CDs and bash them into a million pieces!" "GOOD CHARLOTTE IS NOT STUPID!" I yelled back irked at her insulting one of the deepest parts of me. "But yeah I'll tell you but you won't like it." "I didn't think I would." Annette said backing off and relaxing more. She still looked mad though. She raised her fake drawn on blonde eyebrow. It looked white like her badly bleached hair. It made her bad light blue eyeshadow with white liner look icky too. "He knocked me out. I tried to fight back but it was no use. He locked me in the Janitor's Closet with him and taped me to a wall. He waited until I woke up. Screaming didn't help. My friends came in at the last minute when he practically kissed me. He would have done way way worse if it weren't for them..." Annette looked angry still but shocked and gasped. She looked into my eyes too. "Look...I hate your guts and I know you hate mine. But I know a lie when I see one and that wasn't a lie...I don't know if I believe it...but......still. You're not lying so thanks I guess." She softly put a hand on my shoulder and patted it. "We'll be normal by tomorrow though, right?" I asked tilting my head serious too and strangely serene at how nice she was. "You bet, fatty." She said pointing at me and winking then skipping off girlishly to the other cheerleaders. "Okay, twiggy." I said smiling back almost laughing as she walked away.
That was that. I don't know what'll happen between those two all I know is that I was no longer involved and as the queen bee she got word out about what really happened with the help of best friend Cameran Sloane the Gossip Columnist for our school paper. I peered through the window of the door where Annette was instructing her partner in preppy crime what to do. Cameran tans badly like Annette and Kevin but worse. She either goes the world's brownest brown or sunburnt. Aside from cheerleading and gossip she's into tennis and snowboarding extremely. She fakes an Australian accent to seem cool. She's as dumb as Karen from Mean Girls. She has big emerald bug eyes and eyeshadow to match. She also likes wearing pink and having pink make-up but it can't be the exact same as Annette because it's "copying" so she wears lots of white and tubesocks too. Her school uniform is a white serafuku with medium light pink accents. She always wore tube or fold over socks. She has long super straight yellow blonde hair with the brown roots and showing that thick Mexican eyebrows. The only reason I described her is because this is not the last we'll see of these Blonde Zombies, of course.
But until our next adventures...SAYONARA, MINNA!
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Fri Oct 12, 2012 @ 01:55am · 1 Comments |