ღI go by Tetsuya Hyata ღI have blown this many candles off of my birthday cake Twenty ღPeople say I'm... Enthusiastic, open minded, short temper and only excepts getting his way.
ღI am an open book Well hey there, hmm you what? Fine fine, OK look I was brought up as a bandit. I was pretty lonely until I met Chika who I look up to as a brother figure ok? We was pretty much inseparable and could have been mistaken for brothers. We pretty much ate, trained and slept together whether the rest of the group liked it or not. Nobody in the group could beat me when I was younger and I'm pretty confident I can wipe the floor with anyone, well if I was a little less rusty. Even though we was still young, we swore an oath as brothers to live as we wanted and as how we saw fit. Things didn't change for quite some time until I overheard my parents talking about poisoning him and who he really was. Seeing how much danger he was in, I got him er, drunk one night and fled the camp. I didn't do a good job exactly, I lost him when I went ahead to scout to make sure it was clear. Unable to find him and unable to return home, I spent a lot of time as a vagabond wondering around challenging anyone on sight. I caught the interest of the emperor at the time and I worked as his body guard for some time. I got bored one night and left without any warning not finding the right calling. That was when I came across a group of warriors monks who I joined and where I've stayed for years. Ok now this might sound a little bad but until recently, I only heard about the old man dying alright? I refused to speak or listen to anyone from the outside but as before I grew bored and weary. Deciding to make up for lost time, I've set off to find Chika again dead or alive. If anyone harmed him, well good luck keeping the jaw in once piece when I found you. ღI am known as the Head warrior monk of the Buddhist monk lands ღMy weapon of choice is Hand to hand combat, staff and gauntlets. ღThings that tickle my fancy + Meditating. + Fighting. + Training. + Rice dishes. ღThings that irk me - Imperials. - Cold weather. - Being moaned at/told off. - Being woken up.
ღI forgot to mention * I'm also known as the golden lion and occasionally the holy dragon. * Well known by any imperial of high ranking and a lot of enemies. * Voice 0:12+
Nara Sayo · Wed Jun 06, 2012 @ 08:50pm · 0 Comments |