ღI go by Miguel Rodriquez. ღI have blown this many candles off of my birthday cake Forty two. ღPeople say I'm... Loyal, protective, lazy and an oddball.
ღI am an open book Well let’s see, I think I don’t need to tell you I wasn’t born in Japan. Well I was born on a foreign merchant ship which I was brought up on. Not really that much to say other than I worked on the ship learning various skills and languages as we travelled. Things changed however when the ship was attacked, plundered and then sunk. The next thing I know, I’m on the shore of a country that we never traded in. At first, I was avoided as though I had the plague by everyone but Chika who was the chief of the town. I found it hard to settle in not knowing the language however I soon picked it up and found a place working as a blacksmith. As time went by, the residents started to trust me more however there was always doubts, there is now still mind you. Anyway, Chika was out one time taking care of business with some rouge bandits when the town was attacked. Refusing to see the town repeat itself in history, I took up arms and fended them off. Afterwards I was acknowledged by Chika himself who gifted with the last chief’s horse. In order to improve relationships with the residents, it was actually gifted to him from the previous chief as the horse had significance. The horse was known as a curse and a blessing at the same time which was much like myself. I was then appointed as the town guard head soon afterwards; although to be truthful I would’ve rather been appointed the adviser or bodyguard. I didn’t question his judgement however, I just have a habit of abandoning my duties. ღI am known as the Town guard captain of the Merchant/Bandit town. ღMy weapon of choice is A hand axe and hand to hand combat. ღThings that tickle my fancy + Fighting. + Hiding my face along with my scars. + Working as a blacksmith. + Foreign weapons an armour. ღThings that irk me - Anyone mentioning anything about my skin colour. - Anyone staring at me. - Anyone who thinks they know anything and everything. - Anyone asking why he doesn’t return to his homeland.
ღI forgot to mention * I’m better known as Scarface (purely for the fact I don’t remember my real name) and also the Reaper. * I have various scars scattered around my body which like my face have been dyed black. * I’m skilled in polyglotism – the ability to speak various languages fluently. * The current owner of Shadow dancer (Hex) a black horse known for its incredible speed. * Voice
Nara Sayo · Mon May 28, 2012 @ 11:19am · 0 Comments |