There are times that I don't like thinking about anything important, you know? What used to be, what is now, and what's going to be is nothing short of mind-boggling. I'm kind of amazed at how well geniuses can take all of that realization.
Whenever something new comes into your life, and you feel relatively peaceful with the fast-paced, ease of it all, think to yourself: "these are the golden days." Why? Because they are. The wonderful fuzzy feeling you get in your heart, the adrenaline you feel or the laziness of everything flowing in a quickly familiar pattern sadly doesn't last as long as you wish it would. This can be said of love, friendship, or even something that you can pick up easily, like role-playing.
Life goes on and changes things. Love can fade or twist, friendships can weaken or break off, death can pop up, or the responsibilities of life can tear you away from the safety of the days you once loved. Not to mention hidden feelings that can crop up and, if not analyzed, prepared for, or taken care of, ruin everything.
"The Golden Days" are those days in the past that you don't put a label to. There's no worry at that point in time, there's only the rhythm that you get used to and enjoy while it lasts. You only truly realize them when they're dying and then gone, reflecting on them from the present with a sigh. Where did they go, why didn't (or couldn't) they last? I suppose that's what we ask ourselves.
Nothing can stay put for long otherwise it would become stale or stagnant, losing it's brightness. Sure, there are more things to come, perhaps better, but we'll always look to those past memories of what was and wish we could go back to them, worry-free. Despite the prospect of new adventures and new experiences, it's the past ones that really hold our hearts and keep us locked in that mindset.
'What a pity that Bilbo did not stab that vile creature, when he had a chance!'
'Pity? It was Pity that stayed his hand. Pity and Mercy: not to strike without need.'My dragons. =DMy Spartan
Ty Gwynnia · Sun Mar 04, 2012 @ 11:59pm · 0 Comments |